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Giant Guatemalan Land Grab

Giant Guatemalan Land Grab

By: Daniel Nardini The Guatemalan government has claimed that 98 percent of all registered Guatemalans have voted for taking a long standing border dispute between Guatemala and Belize to the… Read more »

Will Nicaragua Recognize China or Taiwan?

Will Nicaragua Recognize China or Taiwan?

By: Daniel Nardini The Nicaraguan government has all kinds of economic agreements with China. One of these include the building and improving a canal across the country. Yet the strange… Read more »

The Rise of Obrador

The Rise of Obrador

By: Daniel Nardini The Mexican presidential election will be held on July 1st. The three main contestants for this election are: the Institutional Revolutionary Party’s candidate Jose Antonio Meade; the… Read more »

What Direction for Peru?

What Direction for Peru?

By: Daniel Nardini It has happened. Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigned from his office instead of face an impeachment vote from the Peruvian Congress which seemed almost certain. The… Read more »

The Mystery of the Cocoliztli Plague Solved?

The Mystery of the Cocoliztli Plague Solved?

By: Daniel Nardini We know what it was from the Spanish chronicles of the time; in 1545 a devastating plague struck the Aztec people (or those who had survived the… Read more »

The Results of Colombia’s General Election

The Results of Colombia’s General Election

By: Daniel Nardini In the general election for Colombia’s Congress, right wing parties have won the majority of the seats although they fell short of retaining a majority in the… Read more »

Peruvian President Up for Impeachment?!

Peruvian President Up for Impeachment?!

By: Daniel Nardini The Peruvian Congress may try to carry a second motion of impeachment on scandal-plagued Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. The first motion of impeachment, which failed, was… Read more »

Demanding Salvadoran Military Records on Missing Children be Opened

Demanding Salvadoran Military Records on Missing Children be Opened

By: Daniel Nardini Even after the Salvadoran Supreme Court ruled that all of the Salvadoran military records on all missing children from the civil war (1980-1992) must be opened, the… Read more »

Nepal Becomes Communist

Nepal Becomes Communist

By: Daniel Nardini In the Cold War days, this would have been big news. Nowadays it is almost buried near the obituaries. In December of 2017, the Communists swept the… Read more »

The Libertarian Party of Cuba

The Libertarian Party of Cuba

By: Daniel Nardini There are many people who will ask what exactly is the Libertarian Party? This question alone could take a whole book or two to fulfill the answer…. Read more »