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Protecting Americans Abroad

Protecting Americans Abroad

by Daniel Nardini I feel very, very sorry for Otto Warmbier and his family. The young man who went to North Korea and who returned basically brain dead had died… Read more »

Build the Northern Wall!

Build the Northern Wall!

by Daniel Nardini No, I do not mean that! I no more want to see the U.S. government build a wall between the United States and Canada anymore than I… Read more »

Communist Statues in the USA

Communist Statues in the USA

by Daniel Nardini Did you know that there is a bust of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in Bedford, Virginia? The bust is part of a dedication to the D-Day… Read more »

Cities Calling for Trump Impeachment

Cities Calling for Trump Impeachment

by Daniel Nardini Will Chicago be among a growing number of cities calling for the impeachment of current U.S. President Donald Trump? Such a resolution is already being considered. We… Read more »

Venezuela’s Agricultural Agony

Venezuela’s Agricultural Agony

by Daniel Nardini Just when it cannot seem possible for Venezuela’s situation to become so much worse, it does. As food shortages spiral out of control, Venezuela’s agricultural sector cannot… Read more »

California’s Left Wing Amnesia

California’s Left Wing Amnesia

by Daniel Nardini A California state bill, introduced by California Assemblyman Robert Bonta (Democrat-Oakland), would lift the restriction that those who work in or are political officials in the California… Read more »

Panama Tries to Help Cuban Refugees

Panama Tries to Help Cuban Refugees

by Daniel Nardini Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela is trying to help those Cubans who escape from Cuba find temporary refuge along the Panama -Cost Rica border by building temporary… Read more »

A Lady Entering the Second Century

A Lady Entering the Second Century

by Daniel Nardini I am thoroughly convinced that I will never live to be 100 years old. None of my family has ever lived that long, and the odds are… Read more »

Part Two of the Mexican Drama

Part Two of the Mexican Drama

by Daniel Nardini While U.S. President Donald Trump keeps pushing for the building of a large border wall, more leftist politicians are pushing for a major lawsuit in the International… Read more »

Venezuela’s Instability is South America’s Instability

Venezuela’s Instability is South America’s Instability

by Daniel Nardini As nationwide protests and acts of repression by the Venezuelan government escalate, the Organization of American States (OAS) is calling upon the Venezuelan government to hold free… Read more »