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The New Reefer Madness

The New Reefer Madness

by Daniel Nardini I may be an old prude, but I just cannot approve of marijuana. I remember a long time ago in the 1970’s when so many people I… Read more »

Polar Opposites

Polar Opposites

by Daniel Nardini I have two friends named Bill and Steve. They are both nice guys, and have done a lot for me in the past which I am grateful… Read more »

The Foreign Hostile Trojan Horse?

The Foreign Hostile Trojan Horse?

by Daniel Nardini Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is prepared to put a number of issues on the table if incoming U.S. President Donald Trump wants to renegotiate the North… Read more »

The Spoils System

The Spoils System

by Daniel Nardini I have heard this story line too often; a new person is elected president, and he (so far it remains a man) picks all kinds of people… Read more »

The Face of Immigration to Come

The Face of Immigration to Come

by Daniel Nardini Regardless of whether President Donald Trump builds the U.S.-Mexico border wall as he said he would, immigration by and large is not coming from Mexico anymore. Over… Read more »

A Flash in the Pan, Or a Real Policy Change?

A Flash in the Pan, Or a Real Policy Change?

by Daniel Nardini It has become big news; President-elect Donald Trump received a congratulations call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and it seems that the whole world caved-in! The significance… Read more »

Changing the Reason for Outsourcing

Changing the Reason for Outsourcing

by Daniel Nardini One of the most powerful promises that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made was that he would work to bring American jobs back to the United States,… Read more »

Fortress Europe

Fortress Europe

by Daniel Nardini While President-elect Donald Trump is contemplating building a wall with Mexico, the European Union has already been building walls along the periphery of the European continent. The… Read more »

Giving Alt Right Equal Time?

Giving Alt Right Equal Time?

by Daniel Nardini National Public Radio’s interview with white supremacist Richard Spencer made me want to throw up. Since when does it become acceptable, even fashionable, to give quality air-time… Read more »

China Gaining New Allies

China Gaining New Allies

by Daniel Nardini The Philippines, once a major American ally and old friend, has not only told the U.S. military to leave, but under its current president, Rodrigo Duterte, has… Read more »