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What If the Hackers Were Mexican?

What If the Hackers Were Mexican?

by Daniel Nardini Obviously, the hackers were not Mexican. It is widely believed that the hackers who broke into the Democratic National Committee’s private e-mails were from a superpower that… Read more »

What the Ancients Got Right

What the Ancients Got Right

by Daniel Nardini Recently, there was massive flooding in Beijing, China’s capital. An estimated 37 people died. Many modern buildings and homes were flooded and destroyed. Whole streets were deep… Read more »

Really Offensive Texas High School Textbook

Really Offensive Texas High School Textbook

by Daniel Nardini Texas, the state best known for being the place with the largest and best recognized textbook publishers and distributors in the United States, is now coming out… Read more »

Spanish Priest Buried in an Aztec Temple

Spanish Priest Buried in an Aztec Temple

by Daniel Nardini One very curious discovery this year in Mexico City has been the burial tomb of a Spanish priest named Miguel de Palomares. What is curious about it… Read more »

Now Is Not the Time to Go to Venezuela

Now Is Not the Time to Go to Venezuela

by Daniel Nardini I feel sorry for Joshua Holt and his newly married bride, and their families. Joshua Holt, a Mormon missionary who met his prospective bride online, traveled to… Read more »

The Big Story You Cannot Read About

The Big Story You Cannot Read About

by Daniel Nardini Mass shootings. Racial tensions. The presidential campaign. The Brexit vote. The continuing war against the Islamic State. Hollywood actors and actresses doing stupid stuff. Of all the… Read more »

Why It is Hard to Legalize Opium

Why It is Hard to Legalize Opium

by Daniel Nardini Farmers in the states of Guerrero, Sinaloa and Nayarit, who depend on the growing of opium to make a living, wish to see opium legalized in Mexico… Read more »

Making Good on a Bad Deal

Making Good on a Bad Deal

by Daniel Nardini If the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress had had its way, Puerto Rico would truly be a colony. The Republicans wanted to impose a regimen of rules and laws… Read more »

Visa-free Trips for Mexicans to Canada

Visa-free Trips for Mexicans to Canada

by Daniel Nardini In another change to its visa rules, the Canadian government will allow people from Mexico to be able to enter Canada without a visa. This change will… Read more »

Brexit Vote Not the Same for America

Brexit Vote Not the Same for America

by Daniel Nardini The Brexit (Britain Exit) vote has had world repercussions. Now the European Union must figure out what to do with political, and especially economic ties with Great… Read more »