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The Clinton Swing Through Puerto Rico

The Clinton Swing Through Puerto Rico

by Daniel Nardini Bill Clinton made a trip through Puerto Rico on behalf of his wife Hillary Clinton. He gave speeches and worked with leading Puerto Rican Democrats to try… Read more »

The Canadian Reaction to Donald Trump

The Canadian Reaction to Donald Trump

by Daniel Nardini We know the Mexican reaction to Donald Trump—one of disgust, fear and concern. But what about our neighbor to the north Canada? Interestingly enough it is the… Read more »

Louisiana’s Discriminatory Voter Law

Louisiana’s Discriminatory Voter Law

by Daniel Nardini The Southern Poverty Law Center has filed a major lawsuit against the Sate of Louisiana for discriminating against naturalized U.S. citizens being able to vote. Under a… Read more »

Challenging the “Muslim Free” Mentality

Challenging the “Muslim Free” Mentality

by Daniel Nardini It all started in October of 2015 when a man named Raga’ee Fatihah went to a shooting range in Oklahoma called the Save Yourself Survival and Tactical… Read more »

Will Puerto Rico Default?

Will Puerto Rico Default?

by Daniel Nardini As the U.S. Congress fiddles, Puerto Rico may go up in smoke. Puerto Rico has a $500 million debt, and as of May 1st (a Sunday), if… Read more »

Let the Ecuadorans Stay

Let the Ecuadorans Stay

by Daniel Nardini U.S. House Representative Luis Gutierrez has called upon U.S. President Barack Obama to extended temporary protected status (TPS) to Ecuadorans in the United States due to the… Read more »

The Impending Wall?

The Impending Wall?

by Daniel Nardini In a more detailed two page memo to the Washington Post, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump revealed that as part of his plan to build a wall… Read more »

Are White Lives the Only Ones That Matter?

Are White Lives the Only Ones That Matter?

by Daniel Nardini Apparently, in reaction to the “Black Lives Matter” campaign, there are right wing, neo-nazi and Klan groups that are now pushing for a “White Lives Matter” campaign…. Read more »

The Chinese Banking System and the Mexican Cartels

The Chinese Banking System and the Mexican Cartels

by Daniel Nardini It is said that in banking everything is interconnected. In a number of reports, it may be a scary premise. It is being alleged that the Mexican… Read more »

The 65th Infantry Regiment to Receive the Congressional Gold Medal

The 65th Infantry Regiment to Receive the Congressional Gold Medal

by Daniel Nardini Almost 63 years after their last war, the members of the Puerto Rican 65th Infantry Regiment is finally receiving the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal for bravery and… Read more »