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The Russians in Cuba

The Russians in Cuba

One can say many things right or wrong about U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba. These arguments range from ending the U.S. embargo to Cuba and allowing American tourism… Read more »

The Pavlovians

The Pavlovians

by Daniel Nardini One of the greatest scientists of all time, Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), was greatly revered throughout the world, and especially in his native Russia. His experiments, conducted primarily… Read more »

Dalton Trumbo, Hero or Anti-hero?

Dalton Trumbo, Hero or Anti-hero?

by Daniel Nardini Recently Hollywood made a biographical film about the famous screen writer Dalton Trumbo. Persecuted in the 1940’s and 1950’s by the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC),… Read more »

Thank You Mr. Chavez?

Thank You Mr. Chavez?

by Daniel Nardini On the third anniversary of the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (March 5th), current Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has launched a ten day celebration of… Read more »

Legal Immigrants Against Trump

Legal Immigrants Against Trump

by Daniel Nardini According to U.S. immigration, those immigrants legally in the United States, and eligible to become U.S. citizens, are now filling out the paperwork in record numbers to… Read more »

Perhaps Payback is Necessary

Perhaps Payback is Necessary

by Daniel Nardini I will readily admit that I have been to countries under governments that are less than enthusiastic about Americans. There are too many governments in the world… Read more »

The Undocumented Pay Their Taxes Also

The Undocumented Pay Their Taxes Also

by Daniel Nardini According to research done by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy , the undocumented contribute a significant amount of money in local and state taxes. It… Read more »

Two News Items from Honduras

Two News Items from Honduras

by Daniel Nardini The Honduran government has been working hard to drastically fight the gangs that have taken over whole sections of the country’s major cities and who are responsible… Read more »

Extremist Right Wing Groups Rise Again

Extremist Right Wing Groups Rise Again

by Daniel Nardini For close to ten years, extremist right wing groups had actually been in decline in terms of numbers, influence and especially on committing violent acts. However, according… Read more »

The Hobbit Is a Different Species

The Hobbit Is a Different Species

by Daniel Nardini Some time ago I wrote about an unusual discovery on an isolated island in Indonsia of nine skulls and skeletons of a very short yet very human-like… Read more »