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Extremist Right Wing Groups Rise Again

Extremist Right Wing Groups Rise Again

by Daniel Nardini For close to ten years, extremist right wing groups had actually been in decline in terms of numbers, influence and especially on committing violent acts. However, according… Read more »

The Hobbit Is a Different Species

The Hobbit Is a Different Species

by Daniel Nardini Some time ago I wrote about an unusual discovery on an isolated island in Indonsia of nine skulls and skeletons of a very short yet very human-like… Read more »

Profits Ahead of Human Rights

Profits Ahead of Human Rights

by Daniel Nardini I guess I cannot be surprised that an American company is establishing a tractor making plant in the Cuban port of Mariel. The two-man company, Horace Clemmons… Read more »

The Emerging Indigenous Dictator

The Emerging Indigenous Dictator

by Daniel Nardini He has ruled Bolivia for ten years. Current Bolivian President Evo Morales and a huge entourage of indigenous Aymara and Quechua Amerindians held a large celebration in… Read more »

Jeopardizing Mexican and Mexican American Investments

Jeopardizing Mexican and Mexican American Investments

by Daniel Nardini It looks like the Donald Trump phenomenon is beginning to fade after the Iowa caucuses. But we are not out of the woods yet with Trump and… Read more »

The New Promised Land for Puerto Ricans

The New Promised Land for Puerto Ricans

by Daniel Nardini With the economic crisis in Puerto Rico, a growing number of Puerto Ricans have had to move from the island to somewhere with a better economic outlook…. Read more »

The Double Standard on Communist War Criminals

The Double Standard on Communist War Criminals

by Daniel Nardini If the name Bela Biszku is not familiar, it is because information about his trial and crimes were not widely reported outside of Hungary. Biszku was the… Read more »

Argentina and Uruguay in Joint Bid for 2030 World Cup

Argentina and Uruguay in Joint Bid for 2030 World Cup

by Daniel Nardini Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his counterpart Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez announced that both Argentina and Uruguay will work jointly to host the 2030 World Cup. If… Read more »

The Hezbollah Drug Connection in South America

The Hezbollah Drug Connection in South America

by Daniel Nardini Here is something truly frightening to think about—a well known and powerful Shiite organization with links to Iran, Hezbollah, reaching its tentacles into South America’s drug trade… Read more »

Are There Mexican Heroes?

Are There Mexican Heroes?

by Daniel Nardini This week, five Mexican federal police were slaughtered when their vehicle came under attack from cartel members of the La Familia MIchoacana. Four of the federal police… Read more »