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Going Antiquing

Going Antiquing

by Daniel Nardini It is the dead of winter, and the temperature outside is 15 Fahrenheit for the high of the day. Snow had previously fallen the day before, and… Read more »

Of Racist Endorsements and Racism Against Natural Born U.S. Citizens

Of Racist Endorsements and Racism Against Natural Born U.S. Citizens

by Daniel Nardini It seems that the whole debate in the Republican Party of what is acceptable and what is not has gone off its logical rocker. In one piece… Read more »

New Information on the Assassination of Orlando Letelier

New Information on the Assassination of Orlando Letelier

by Daniel Nardini The U.S. State Department released formerly classified U.S. intelligence reports that pinpoint the ones responsible for the murder of former Chilean ambassador to the United States Orlando… Read more »

A Shot of Things Happening in Peru

A Shot of Things Happening in Peru

by Daniel Nardini While the U.S. news media is primarily focused on what is happening in the Middle East, the presidential election campaign, the planned deportation of Central American refugees,… Read more »

Bearing the Fruit of Government Incompetence

Bearing the Fruit of Government Incompetence

by Daniel Nardini This is a REAL pickle. If five states are not compliant with the Real ID Act, their state-issued driver’s licenses will be invalid to board an airplane,… Read more »

Child Labor Made Your iPad

Child Labor Made Your iPad

by Daniel Nardini While too much of our news media is focused on the Middle East and on terrorism, we think little about the toys we buy our children, or… Read more »

Preserving the Voices of the Genocide in Guatemala

Preserving the Voices of the Genocide in Guatemala

by Daniel Nardini The Shoah Foundation, created by movie director and producer Steven Spielberg, is now conducting a project to record the oral testimonies of those Mayans who survived the… Read more »

The Vacation Advertising Wars

The Vacation Advertising Wars

The Commonwealth government in Puerto Rico has taken out two page advertisements (in AARP Magazine) for why people should be vacationing in Puerto Rico. At the same time, I have… Read more »

The Romans in Nova Scotia?

The Romans in Nova Scotia?

by Daniel Nardini It has been in the news. A man named J. Hutton Pulitzer claims that a lady, whose grandfather found a Roman sword off the coast of Nova… Read more »

An Americas First Approach

An Americas First Approach

by Daniel Nardini Do any of you remember reading about Peru again being named the best place for culinary food this year by the World Travel Awards? Do any of… Read more »