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The Venezuelan Brain Drain

The Venezuelan Brain Drain

by Daniel Nardini The landslide victory of the opposition parties in Venezuela in the National Assembly might signal the end of the revolutionary socialist government that has controlled the country… Read more »

Three Sides to the Gun Issue

Three Sides to the Gun Issue

by Daniel Nardini Recently, another American who accidentally crossed over the border with Mexico was arrested by Mexican border authorities. The American, a former U.S. Marine named Jeromie Slaughter, was… Read more »

The Two-sided Set-up

The Two-sided Set-up

by Daniel Nardini In an interview with the TV program 60 Minutes, former U.S. hostage Alan Gross explained that he had been used by the U.S. Agency for International Development… Read more »

Preventing Knee-jerk Reactions to the Paris Attacks

Preventing Knee-jerk Reactions to the Paris Attacks

by Daniel Nardini The Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks against civilians and innocent people in Paris can and should only receive the highest condemnations possible. I do not envy the French… Read more »

A True Voluntary Return

A True Voluntary Return

by Daniel Nardini According to a Pew report from the Pew Research Center, over one million Mexicans left the United States and returned to Mexico. In fact, the report makes… Read more »

A Race to Greater Xenophobia

A Race to Greater Xenophobia

by Daniel Nardini In a complete reversal, Republican candidate for president Ted Cruz has contradicted himself by saying that he now supports very limited legal immigration, and building a border… Read more »

Ceren, the “Pompeii of the Americas”

Ceren, the “Pompeii of the Americas”

by Daniel Nardini For over 30 years, archeologists, especially from the University of Colorado, have been excavating a major site of a former Mayan village in El Salvador. Called Ceren,… Read more »

Latino Families Worse Off

Latino Families Worse Off

by Daniel Nardini According to a report by Pew Research, Latino families are economically worse off now compared to 20 years ago. How can this be?! More Latinos are not… Read more »

A Personal Take on the Fall of East Germany

A Personal Take on the Fall of East Germany

by Daniel Nardini Recently, one of the most important persons in the history of Germany, Guenter Schabowski, passed away at the age of 86. More than any person in what… Read more »

A Word from the Former President

A Word from the Former President

by Daniel Nardini For the most part he seemed to have dropped out of sight. Former U.S. President George W. Bush has rarely been seen or heard from. Personally, I… Read more »