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Restricting Voters in Mississippi

Restricting Voters in Mississippi

by Daniel Nardini It seems almost like a conspiracy. First, with the U.S. Congress not renewing the Voter Rights Act, the State of Mississippi votes to require all residents to… Read more »

Reparations for Cuba?

Reparations for Cuba?

by Daniel Nardini I found an article in the Huffington Post that states that the Cuban government’s calls for reparations for the U.S. embargo as rational and acceptable. Cuban President… Read more »

The Naturalization Act of 1790

The Naturalization Act of 1790

by Daniel Nardini In 1790, the U.S. Congress and U.S. President George Washington signed into law the Naturalization Act. Under this act, only the U.S. government could grant U.S. citizenship… Read more »

The Credit Score Nightmare

The Credit Score Nightmare

by Daniel Nardini We never think twice about it. People use credit cards, debit cards, paypal and even their iphones and galaxy phones to carry out credit transactions. That is… Read more »

Wisconsin’s Disgraceful Voter ID Law

Wisconsin’s Disgraceful Voter ID Law

by Daniel Nardini It has been challenged in court since the day it was passed back in 2011. Sadly, this voter ID law is still on the books in Wisconsin…. Read more »

The Polish Undocumented

The Polish Undocumented

by Daniel Nardini There are an estimated 40,000 Polish undocumented living in the Chicago area. The number of Polish undocumented in the Chicago area is the second largest only after… Read more »

Legal Victory for Mentally Impaired Immigrants

Legal Victory for Mentally Impaired Immigrants

by Daniel Nardini In a major lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a U.S. federal judge has ruled that mentally impaired immigrants, whether legally here or undocumented,… Read more »

Clouds of War?

Clouds of War?

by Daniel Nardini As Venezuela keeps its border with Colombia closed in what can only be called a hostile act, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has also sent soldiers to the… Read more »

Trying to Dilute the Poisoned Well

Trying to Dilute the Poisoned Well

by Daniel Nardini They know they are in trouble. The Republican Party of California is now battling an uphill fight because of its unpopularity within the state as well as… Read more »

Majority of Americans Want to Keep 14th Amendment

Majority of Americans Want to Keep 14th Amendment

by Daniel Nardini Despite Republican candidate Donald Trump’s rhetoric of getting rid of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, he will face popular as well as legal resistance to… Read more »