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Trying to Dilute the Poisoned Well

Trying to Dilute the Poisoned Well

by Daniel Nardini They know they are in trouble. The Republican Party of California is now battling an uphill fight because of its unpopularity within the state as well as… Read more »

Majority of Americans Want to Keep 14th Amendment

Majority of Americans Want to Keep 14th Amendment

by Daniel Nardini Despite Republican candidate Donald Trump’s rhetoric of getting rid of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, he will face popular as well as legal resistance to… Read more »

Leaving a Dark Door Open

Leaving a Dark Door Open

by Daniel Nardini A federal judge in Arizona, reaffirming a U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows Arizona police to question people on their immigration status, has basically ended the appeals… Read more »

Say Adios to Adios America

Say Adios to Adios America

by Daniel Nardini If Republican candidate Donald Trump is the action behind his half-baked immigration plan to make America “great,” the book Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our… Read more »

Not a Fit Candidate

Not a Fit Candidate

by Daniel Nardini Despite his popularity in the opinion polls, I will state that Donald Trump is not a fit candidate for the presidency. His policies about dealing with the… Read more »

Leftwing-Rightwing Slugfest

Leftwing-Rightwing Slugfest

by Daniel Nardini In a move that has become de rigueur for U.S. President Barack Obama, he is going to simply ignore the U.S. Congress and start issuing executive orders… Read more »

Demonizing Mexico

Demonizing Mexico

by Daniel Nardini The level of viciousness against Mexico and Mexicans is reaching new lows with the Republican presidential debates that were recently held. The worst of them, Republican presidential… Read more »

Why People Are Put on the No Fly List?

Why People Are Put on the No Fly List?

by Daniel Nardini The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) brought a case against the U.S. government on why its plaintiffs were put on the no fly list even though they… Read more »

Guilty for Looking Latino

Guilty for Looking Latino

by Daniel Nardini In 2010, U.S. immigration officers and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department conducted an immigration raid against a largely Latino occupied apartment complex in Nashville, Tennessee. The whole… Read more »

Stabbed in the Back on Captive Nations Day

Stabbed in the Back on Captive Nations Day

by Daniel Nardini It was not really noticed, but the official opening of the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C. on July 20th took place during what is called Captive Nations… Read more »