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Texas’ Unilateral Immigration Action

Texas’ Unilateral Immigration Action

by Daniel Nardini The State of Texas is unilaterally making decisions of what children should be U.S. citizens and those who should not be. At issue is a new Texas… Read more »

Taliban Scott Walker

Taliban Scott Walker

by Daniel Nardini Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed legislation that would ban all “non-emergency” abortions at and after 20 weeks. The new law will only allow abortions to be performed… Read more »

Countries Unrecognized by the United States

Countries Unrecognized by the United States

by Daniel Nardini The United States has diplomatic relations with 194 countries. In other words, this country recognizes almost every country that exists in the world today. We even recognize… Read more »

Do Not Get Rid of the Cuban Adjustment Act

Do Not Get Rid of the Cuban Adjustment Act

by Daniel Nardini In 1966, the U.S. Congress passed what would be called the Cuban Adjustment Act. Signed by then U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, the act allows those Cubans fleeing… Read more »

The Slippery Slope

The Slippery Slope

by Daniel Nardini It is a symbol of repression. It stands for slavery, inequality, rebellion and revolution, lack of freedom and genocide. This flag has seen the deaths of tens… Read more »

Stand Watie: The Last Confederate General

Stand Watie: The Last Confederate General

by Daniel Nardini Born on December 12, 1806, Stand Watie (also known as Standhope Watie) was a Cherokee Native American. He was one of the original signers of the Treaty… Read more »

Puerto Rico: Tipping Point of a Debt Time Bomb?

Puerto Rico: Tipping Point of a Debt Time Bomb?

by Daniel Nardini Puerto Rican Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla had to say it—Puerto Rico is not only broke but that it cannot at this time pay off its $37 billion… Read more »

Communism is NOT Dead

Communism is NOT Dead

by Daniel Nardini A lady named Liu Ping has been continually denied medical parole even though she is suffering from daily diarrhea due to mistreatment (i.e. torture) and the filthy… Read more »

Battle Standard of a Non-existing Nation

Battle Standard of a Non-existing Nation

by Daniel Nardini My heart goes out to the survivors and the victims’ families whose loved ones were killed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. It was truly horrendous… Read more »

Nicaragua Canal Over-reach

Nicaragua Canal Over-reach

by Daniel Nardini Tens of thousands of Nicaraguan farmers and peasants demonstrated in the town of Juigalpa over the Nicaraguan government’s proposed trans-ocean canal that will bisect Nicaragua itself. The… Read more »