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A City on the Rise Again

A City on the Rise Again

By Daniel Nardini [The following was sent from Tampa, Florida] TAMPA–When my wife and I visited Tampa, Florida, in 2005, it seemed like a virtually abandoned city. In the downtown… Read more »

A Harsh Policy

A Harsh Policy

By Daniel Nardini For the first time in seven years I went to Tampa. Florida, to visit my sister and her family. I enjoyed the visit, and it was good… Read more »

Reforming Mississippi’s Notorious Prison System

Reforming Mississippi’s Notorious Prison System

By Daniel Nardini Fact, the State of Mississippi has the second highest rate of incarceration in the nation only behind that of Louisiana. Fact, almost three-quarters of those incarcerated within… Read more »

A “Prepared Military” Vs The National Debt

A “Prepared Military” Vs The National Debt

By Daniel Nardini As the United States may or may not completely pull out of Afghanistan, there is little question that most Americans are tired of war, and tired of… Read more »

Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

By Daniel Nardini It is unimaginable that anyone can be sentenced in this day of age for saying something that would be considered religious “blasphemy.” But this is exactly what… Read more »

Deconstructing Great Presidents

Deconstructing Great Presidents

By Daniel Nardini One of the most disturbing things I am seeing is how some right wing groups and publishers are trying to “re-write” American history and the legacy of… Read more »

Foreign Intervention In Venezuela

Foreign Intervention In Venezuela

By Daniel Nardini I find it ironic that current Venezuelan President (read dictator) Nicolas Maduro has accused the United States and other countries like Panama of “interfering” in the internal… Read more »

Weighing Uruguay’s Asylum Policy

Weighing Uruguay’s Asylum Policy

By Daniel Nardini Current Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has stated that his country will take in some of those inmates who have been incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay by the U.S…. Read more »

The Right to Defend One’s Inner Heart

The Right to Defend One’s Inner Heart

By Daniel Nardini When the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services rejected her application for becoming a U.S. citizen because she checked “no” in the box that said if she was… Read more »

Reuniting Mother and Baby

Reuniting Mother and Baby

By Daniel Nardini In a very important case for the rights of the undocumented, a U.S. district judge ruled that the State of Mississippi had violated the rights of an… Read more »