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America’s Fascist Movement

America’s Fascist Movement

By Daniel Nardini On a personal note, I deeply resent being accused of “siding with the Communists.” This is another way of saying I am not one with the “tribe.”… Read more »

Saving Sudan’s National Treasures

Saving Sudan’s National Treasures

By Daniel Nardini Sudan’s civil war is killing thousands of people, and devastating regions of the country. Just as perilous is the possible loss of the country’s national treasures. Sudan… Read more »

Forward with the Forward Party?

Forward with the Forward Party?

By Daniel Nardini Created in 2021, the Forward Party’s slogan is, “neither left nor right, but forward.” Its official statement is to be different from the Democratic Party and Republican… Read more »

A Conversation That Went South

A Conversation That Went South

By Daniel Nardini I lost a friend. No, he did not die, or become incapacitated. He is still very much alive. I lost him over something that should have never… Read more »

The Two Scenarios Not Talked About China

The Two Scenarios Not Talked About China

By Daniel Nardini We hear about the possibility of an invasion of Taiwan. We hear about a possible naval battle between the forces of China and the United States. We… Read more »

Paraguay in the Forefront of the China-Taiwan Conflict

Paraguay in the Forefront of the China-Taiwan Conflict

By Daniel Nardini Nobody imagined that Paraguay would become a significant player in the China-Taiwan conflict until the most recent presidential election there. Paraguay’s president-elect Santiago Pena stated that he… Read more »

The Reparations Fallacy

The Reparations Fallacy

By Daniel Nardini Of all the things that have been proposed by certain elements within the Democratic Party, the one on reparations for African Americans has to be one of… Read more »

The Necessity for Latino History in Illinois Schools

The Necessity for Latino History in Illinois Schools

By Daniel Nardini Recently, the Illinois State Assembly has been passing legislation to make Native American history required in Illinois public schools. In 2021, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into… Read more »

Native American History is Not Black and White

Native American History is Not Black and White

By Daniel Nardini Many years ago, I wrote an editorial about the state of Arizona prohibiting teachers and schools from teaching students about “controversial” topics that would cause “social conflict”… Read more »

Creating a Victims of Communism Day

Creating a Victims of Communism Day

By Daniel Nardini I have seen such displays in local libraries. Local libraries, in keeping with the tradition of when the world learned about the Nazi concentration camps that were… Read more »