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What Really Happened to Osvaldo Paya?

What Really Happened to Osvaldo Paya?

By: Daniel Nardini                        The Christian Liberation Movement (CLM), a dissident organization operating within Cuba (usually underground because of Communist… Read more »

Racism in Unlikely Places

Racism in Unlikely Places

By: Daniel Nardini These are the known facts in the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case. Trayvon Martin was staying in a gated community had seen many robberies. As he was leaving… Read more »

News That’s Weird But True

News That’s Weird But True

By: Daniel Nardini As the very old saying goes, truth is stranger than fiction. These stories I read are certainly no exception. In the City of Dubai, which is located… Read more »

Missiles from Cuba With Love

Missiles from Cuba With Love

By: Daniel Nardini There are more questions than answers, and those answers we have do not paint a good picture. Acting on a tip, the Panamanian authorities seized a North… Read more »

For the Graves of the Unknown

For the Graves of the Unknown

By: Daniel Nardini According to a friend of mine who lives in El Paso, there is a small Texan town named Falfurrias. Located in Brooks County not far from the… Read more »

Welcome to the Venezuelan Police State, Mr. Snowden

Welcome to the Venezuelan Police State, Mr. Snowden

By: Daniel Nardini In an ironic twist, Edward Snowden was granted political asylum by the Venezuelan government to come to Venezuela on “humanitarian grounds.” I find this ironic and a… Read more »

Baby Homicide

Baby Homicide

By: Daniel Nardini Reyna Garcia, a pregnant lady working for the supermarket company Albertsons, was forced to carry boxes weighing more than 15 pounds. Before she became pregnant this was… Read more »

Interference in Hollywood Cinema

Interference in Hollywood Cinema

By: Daniel Nardini Remember the films “Seven Years in Tibet,” “Kundun,” and “China Cry” done back in the 1990’s? These three movies were highly critical of the Chinese government and… Read more »

The Best and Worst of Some Presidents

The Best and Worst of Some Presidents

By: Daniel Nardini American historians tend to either upgrade or downgrade American presidents for one reason or another depending on the view of the times. In one case, some American… Read more »

Mad School Days

Mad School Days

By: Daniel Nardini Whenever I did something bad in school (which was rare), the principal might have me in the office for an hour or might call my mother is… Read more »