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The Russia-Venezuela Military Alliance

The Russia-Venezuela Military Alliance

By: Daniel Nardini And while the drama of what will happen to Edward Snowden continues, what so much of the media missed was what current Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and… Read more »

Reforming the Whole Student Loan Process

Reforming the Whole Student Loan Process

By: Daniel Nardini There is now more talk about reforming the entire student loan process. The U.S. Department of Education has seen how the federal government student loan program is… Read more »

American Revolutionary War Hero Jorge Farragut

American Revolutionary War Hero Jorge Farragut

By: Daniel Nardini One Hispanic war hero whose name has become legend is David Farragut, a hero of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). The first admiral of the U.S. Navy,… Read more »

Ecuador’s Press Gag Law

Ecuador’s Press Gag Law

By: Daniel Nardini Like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden may eventually end up in Ecuador for “political” asylum. I find it ironic that Snowden would apply to Ecuador for asylum since… Read more »

The New Jungle

The New Jungle

By: Daniel Nardini It almost sounds like a page from the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, written in 1906. In a report entitled “Unsafe at These Speeds: Alabama’s Poultry… Read more »

On Guillermo Farinas

On Guillermo Farinas

By: Daniel Nardini While in the United States, Cuban political dissident Guillermo Farinas talked to Fox News about what things are like for him and those he knows. He gave… Read more »

Depriving the College Dream in South Carolina

Depriving the College Dream in South Carolina

By: Daniel Nardini It almost sounded like a replay of what happened in Florida. A South Carolina resident named Joel Licea wanted to go to the University of South Carolina…. Read more »

Killing the Food Stamp Program

Killing the Food Stamp Program

By: Daniel Nardini Once again it is time for the federal budget fight of what programs are kept, what programs may be expanded, and what programs may be cut. One… Read more »

Cuba Mail

Cuba Mail

By: Daniel Nardini For the first time since the United States suspended direct mail shipping to Cuba in 1963, both representatives from the U.S. and Cuba are now discussing resuming… Read more »

What PRISM is Not Saying

What PRISM is Not Saying

By: Daniel Nardini There has already been more than enough written about Edward Snowden and his revelations about the U.S. government’s secret surveillance program PRISM. I will not go into… Read more »