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Amnesty for Iraq War Deserters

Amnesty for Iraq War Deserters

By: Daniel Nardini Former U.S. Army Private Kimberly Rivera* will go on trial in a U.S. military court for desertion. If found guilty, she could face many years in prison… Read more »

Cinco de Mayo: The Deadly French Connection

Cinco de Mayo: The Deadly French Connection

By: Daniel Nardini We know that Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) was the Mexican victory over the French forces of Emperor Napoleon III in 1862 at the First Battle of… Read more »

The Strange Case of Enidris Siurano Rodriguez

The Strange Case of Enidris Siurano Rodriguez

By: Daniel Nardini It seems an unlikely case on the issues of free speech and prejudice. A 15 year-old high school student named Enidris Siurano Rodriguez refuses on principle to… Read more »

Home-Grown Jihadis

Home-Grown Jihadis

By: Daniel Nardini There are still too many holes in the stories about the alleged bombers Dzhokar and Tamerlin Tsarnaev. We may never fully know what exactly motivated them to… Read more »



By: Daniel Nardini I have come to the conclusion that the U.S. House of Representatives simply does not read carefully the legislation they pass. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection… Read more »

They Did Not Learn

They Did Not Learn

By: Daniel Nardini In a piece of propaganda that I can only call bizarre, The Chinese Communist Party journal Study Times published an article that outlines what the Party calls… Read more »

More Hobbit Stories

More Hobbit Stories

By: Daniel Nardini In an area of study that rarely if ever receives any limelight in the news media, a debate is going on about the newly found humanoid ancestor… Read more »

The Benefits Immigration Reform Can Bring

The Benefits Immigration Reform Can Bring

By: Daniel Nardini According to a report issued by the Center for American Progress, the report explains in detail how immigration reform will be a major boost to the economy… Read more »

Who Did Not Cause the Boston Marathon Bombing

Who Did Not Cause the Boston Marathon Bombing

By: Daniel Nardini I am pretty much convinced who did not cause the bombing of innocent people at the Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts, on April 15. The U.S. government. While… Read more »

An Independent Scotland?

An Independent Scotland?

By: Daniel Nardini In 2014, a referendum will be held in Scotland asking the Scottish people whether they want independence or remain part of the union with England. Before I… Read more »