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No Chocolate Paradise

No Chocolate Paradise

By: Daniel Nardini Strangely enough, while the economies of Western Europe and North America are just sputtering, the price of cocoa beans is going through the ceiling. Chocolate, and the… Read more »

The War of the Pacific: Part II

The War of the Pacific: Part II

By: Daniel Nardini With all of the problems Bolivia is having, current Bolivian President Evo Morales has found a cause that seems to be uniting most Bolivians. This is the… Read more »

Vacation Time of the Politicians

Vacation Time of the Politicians

By: Daniel Nardini I myself have not had a vacation in five years. It will probably be longer before I have any money to go anywhere for anything resembling a… Read more »

North Dakota’s Anti-abortion Madness

North Dakota’s Anti-abortion Madness

By: Daniel Nardini In a move that is at complete odds with most of the rest of the country, the North Dakota state legislator—dominated by Republicans—passed the strictest anti-abortion measure… Read more »

Keep Cuba on the State Terror List

Keep Cuba on the State Terror List

By: Daniel Nardini I was one of the advocates for reestablishing diplomatic relations, trade and cultural exchanges with Cuba. I was one of the advocates for taking Cuba off the… Read more »

The Gun Debate: Why No Common Ground on Schools?

The Gun Debate: Why No Common Ground on Schools?

By: Daniel Nardini In Colorado, the state has sanctioned teachers and school staff to carry semi-automatic weapons and handguns. In Maryland, the governor has called for not only a ban… Read more »

Lone Star State Out in the Cold

Lone Star State Out in the Cold

By: Daniel Nardini For Republicans in the State of Texas, it is pay-back time. The defeat of the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in last year’s election was more than… Read more »

The Emerging Middle Eastern Power

The Emerging Middle Eastern Power

By: Daniel Nardini The leader of the PKK (Kurdish initials for the Kurdistan Workers Party), Abdullah Ocalan, is now calling for a permanent ceasefire with the Turkish government and an… Read more »

The Trial of Efrain Rios Montt

The Trial of Efrain Rios Montt

By: Daniel Nardini I never thought I would live to see what can only be called the trial of a war criminal. Former President of Guatemala, Efrain Rios Montt, did… Read more »

Tampering With Creation

Tampering With Creation

By: Daniel Nardini There are some scientists who are thinking the impossible—recreating species of animals that had become extinct. Among some of the animals that may be included in this… Read more »