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The Emerging Middle Eastern Power

The Emerging Middle Eastern Power

By: Daniel Nardini The leader of the PKK (Kurdish initials for the Kurdistan Workers Party), Abdullah Ocalan, is now calling for a permanent ceasefire with the Turkish government and an… Read more »

The Trial of Efrain Rios Montt

The Trial of Efrain Rios Montt

By: Daniel Nardini I never thought I would live to see what can only be called the trial of a war criminal. Former President of Guatemala, Efrain Rios Montt, did… Read more »

Tampering With Creation

Tampering With Creation

By: Daniel Nardini There are some scientists who are thinking the impossible—recreating species of animals that had become extinct. Among some of the animals that may be included in this… Read more »

Central America: Rising Group of Latin American Immigrants

Central America: Rising Group of Latin American Immigrants

By: Daniel Nardini According to the Migration Policy Institute (a non-profit, non-partisan think tank that tracks population movements around the world), the number of people from Central America has grown… Read more »

About the Pledge of Allegiance

About the Pledge of Allegiance

By: Daniel Nardini When I was a boy, one of the things that I found annoying was saying the pledge of allegiance in school. While it was not law at… Read more »

The Rural Doctor Shortage Now

The Rural Doctor Shortage Now

By: Daniel Nardini I know a very good friend who told me recently that he no longer can go and see his family doctor. For years, he had gone to… Read more »

A Large Middle Class in Latin America?

A Large Middle Class in Latin America?

By: Daniel Nardini A United Nations’ report released in Mexico City stated that by 2030, many countries in the Third World will have a large middle class. This will be… Read more »

What Book Titles Can Tell You

What Book Titles Can Tell You

By: Daniel Nardini Every now and then I go to visit a bookstore in one of my favorite shopping malls. The bookstore, Dalton Books, has a lot of books in… Read more »

Democracy Alive and Entrenched

Democracy Alive and Entrenched

By: Daniel Nardini According to its annual report on democracy worldwide, Freedom House states that democracy has not overall advanced for the seventh consecutive year. What does this mean? It… Read more »

Respect the Wishes of the Falkland Islanders

Respect the Wishes of the Falkland Islanders

By: Daniel Nardini Last week, the people of the Falkland Islands voted by 99.8 percent to remain part of Great Britain and remain British citizens. Since almost all of the… Read more »