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Going Back Down Mexico Way

Going Back Down Mexico Way

By: Daniel Nardini Like everything in the news, stories of what is happening in almost any country can seem inconsistent. Mexico is certainly no exception to this. We hear about… Read more »

Get Rid of Selective Service

Get Rid of Selective Service

By: Daniel Nardini Two House representatives believe that it is time to get rid of the Selective Service System. U.S. House Representative Peter DeFazio (Democrat-Oregon) and Mike Coffman (Republican-Colorado) have… Read more »

Kill This Idea!

Kill This Idea!

By: Daniel Nardini No American at this moment has to worry about being asked for their papers (or in this case, their identification cards) by police or government agents simply… Read more »

Coming for Your Guns?

Coming for Your Guns?

By: Daniel Nardini Personally, I believe any individual, with the exception minors, people with mental health issues, and with criminal backgrounds, should be able to own a firearm if that… Read more »

Driver’s Licenses for the Undocumented in Puerto Rico

Driver’s Licenses for the Undocumented in Puerto Rico

By: Daniel Nardini Newly elected Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla is prepared to sign legislation passed by the Puerto Rican Congress to allow undocumented in Puerto Rico to be… Read more »

The ICE Quota

The ICE Quota

By: Daniel Nardini If true, it is very troubling to put it mildly. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actually had a quota… Read more »

Latinos in the Tea Party?

Latinos in the Tea Party?

By: Daniel Nardini A small minority of Tea Party advocates are beginning to look at Latinos as potential members and/or supporters for the Tea parties that exist around the country…. Read more »

The Other Vietnam War

The Other Vietnam War

By: Daniel Nardini The book, Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, by the noted journalist and historian Nick Turse, proves that the whole subject on the… Read more »

The Dreamers’ Exception in New Mexico

The Dreamers’ Exception in New Mexico

By: Daniel Nardini New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez has stated that she supports any state legislation and any move to give those young people who qualify for U.S. President Barack… Read more »

Peace in Juarez?

Peace in Juarez?

By: Daniel Nardini It may be too premature for me to say that. In 2010, drug cartel slayings in Ciudad de Juarez (located in Chihuahua state), were so bad that… Read more »