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Why the Odds are Against a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan

Why the Odds are Against a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan

By Daniel Nardini There are no guarantees to anything in life, and the question of a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan is certainly one of them. There seems to be… Read more »

Illinois Gun Ban Will Fail

Illinois Gun Ban Will Fail

By Daniel Nardini The Democrats in Illinois do not get to pick and choose what types of firearms they can ban. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution makes it… Read more »

The Agony of Afghanistan

The Agony of Afghanistan

By Daniel Nardini The United Nations has called upon the Taliban government in Afghanistan to respect the rights of women and to restore women’s right for health care, education and… Read more »

The Brazilian Insurrection

The Brazilian Insurrection

By Daniel Nardini January 7th will be a day that lives in infamy. Last weekend, the supporters of the right wing populist former president Jair Balsonaro tried to overthrow the… Read more »

Making Illinois Go High Tech

Making Illinois Go High Tech

By Daniel Nardini Illinois has lost hundreds of thousands of people over the past two decades, and with it companies and investments. Without talented people, why would companies remain in… Read more »

The Insane Winter Storm

The Insane Winter Storm

By Daniel Nardini The winter of 1979. I remember my mother and I having to dig out almost three and a half feet of snow from our house driveway so… Read more »

So Far, South America Remains at Peace

So Far, South America Remains at Peace

By Daniel Nardini Peru’s president has been impeached, and there have been armed clashes between indigenous peoples and powerful corporations in a number of South American countries like Peru, Ecuador… Read more »

Please Think Before Going

Please Think Before Going

By Daniel Nardini Recently, the U.S. Department of State had to issue a travel advisory to NOT go to Russia for any reason. The obvious reason was because U.S. citizens… Read more »

The Great Peruvian Drought

The Great Peruvian Drought

By Daniel Nardini Many parts of the western United States are experiencing drought and drought-like conditions with water levels of lakes, rivers and dam reservoirs dropping at record rates to… Read more »

About the Venezuelan Oil Deal

About the Venezuelan Oil Deal

By Daniel Nardini Normally, I would have said NO to any oil deal with the Venezuelan government of current dictator Nicolas Maduro. It would be like the United States doing… Read more »