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It’s Still the Poverty, Not the Guns

It’s Still the Poverty, Not the Guns

By: Daniel Nardini Venezuela is a country I am somewhat familiar with. While the country has some of the strictest gun control laws in the Americas, it also has a… Read more »

Mexicans and Latinos on Gun Control/Gun Ownership

Mexicans and Latinos on Gun Control/Gun Ownership

By: Daniel Nardini There are two different things going on with regards to the debate on gun ownership and gun control. In the case of Mexicans in Mexico, most are… Read more »

New York’s Thought Control Police

New York’s Thought Control Police

By: Daniel Nardini The gun control/gun ownership debate is hitting new levels of hysteria. Recently, the State of New York passed the nation’s toughest gun law. Under this law, semi-automatic… Read more »

The HlrisPlex

The HlrisPlex

By: Daniel Nardini Scientists have developed a system that can reveal what a person physically looked like long after they have passed away and there are only a few body… Read more »

Who the Flu is Affecting Most

Who the Flu is Affecting Most

By: Daniel Nardini Several flu epidemics have been breaking out in a number of U.S. states—15 states to be exact with the worst cases of severe flu being reported in… Read more »

The Not-So-Safe Post-Afghanistan War World

The Not-So-Safe Post-Afghanistan War World

By: Daniel Nardini While I was driving, I was listening to National Public Radio. I overheard a conversation with a Gordon Adams, professor of international relations at American University. He… Read more »

A Slave Labor System by Any Other Name

A Slave Labor System by Any Other Name

By: Daniel Nardini Recently the Chinese government announced that it will abolish the Re-education Through Labor (RTL) system—the system where people can be detained indefinitely without being charged with a… Read more »

About Piers Morgan

About Piers Morgan

By: Daniel Nardini One of the hosts of CNN, Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan, a well-known British journalist and television host, has made his opinion on guns and gun control well known…. Read more »

In Defense of Believers and Non-Believers

In Defense of Believers and Non-Believers

By: Daniel Nardini The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) held its conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on the plight of atheists (those who believe in no god and no religion)… Read more »



By: Daniel Nardini It did not make much of a splash in the news, but it may change the measure of modern warfare and become a new weapon of choice…. Read more »