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Poisoning the Galapagos Food Chain

Poisoning the Galapagos Food Chain

By: Daniel Nardini One of the greatest threats all of the rare and unique creatures on the Galapagos Islands face is rats. There are an estimated 180 million rats on… Read more »

Who Will Pay for the Great Recession?

Who Will Pay for the Great Recession?

By: Daniel Nardini We live in its shadow. Tens of millions of Americans are still very much affected by it. The politicians in Washington, D.C. still do not want to… Read more »

Will the Powers That Be Restrict the Internet?

Will the Powers That Be Restrict the Internet?

By: Daniel Nardini The U.S. government is sending a 100 member delegation to the United Nations International Telecommunication Union convention to be held December 3-14, in Dubai. Why such a… Read more »

On Retroactive Criminal Records

On Retroactive Criminal Records

By: Daniel Nardini A Florida resident named Gabriel Hernandez, who was busted in 2001 for selling LSD, was threatened with deportation for this crime committed almost 12 years ago. Hernandez… Read more »

America Pulling Apart

America Pulling Apart

By: Daniel Nardini A member of my wife’s church insulted me for not “believing in God or Jesus Christ.” Actually, I simply do not believe in her version of what… Read more »

To the Republican Party: We Told You So!

To the Republican Party: We Told You So!

By: Daniel Nardini There is no question that the Latino vote did help to contribute to the defeat of the Republican Party’s presidential candidate Mitt Romney on November 6th. Latinos… Read more »

The Bad Luck of the Irish

The Bad Luck of the Irish

By: Daniel Nardini Imagine that you live in a country where the laws against abortion are so restrictive that no abortion can be performed even to save the life of… Read more »

Punishing the Cuban Government

Punishing the Cuban Government

By: Daniel Nardini Judith Gross, the wife of Alan Gross, the American prisoner in Havana, Cuba, has brought a lawsuit against Mr. Gross’s former employer Alternative Development, Inc., and against… Read more »

Privatize the Post Office!

Privatize the Post Office!

By: Daniel Nardini In late September, I mailed off a postal money order for a gift subscription to a magazine for my father. The magazine company got my gift subscription… Read more »

Forced Chinese Labor in Canada?

Forced Chinese Labor in Canada?

By: Daniel Nardini Canadian mining unions are up in arms about a proposal by Chinese-owned Canadian mining companies to bring in Chinese workers. Two major companies, HD Mining Inc., and… Read more »