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By: Daniel Nardini It was a quiet, autumn morning in Detroit, Michigan. Many people were going to work. A group of Latino parents were seeing their kids off to school… Read more »

The Student Loan Time Bomb

The Student Loan Time Bomb

By: Daniel Nardini Here is a sobering piece of information. As of now, student loan debt now costs the United States one trillion dollars. In other words, the more students… Read more »

Another Kind of Voter Fraud

Another Kind of Voter Fraud

By: Daniel Nardini You can choose between a Democrat or a Republican. For a good part of our history, we have had two ruling parties—the Democratic Party (founded in 1828),… Read more »

Last Lenin Statue in Mongolia Falls

Last Lenin Statue in Mongolia Falls

By: Daniel Nardini In Mongolia’s capital of Ulan Bator, the last statue of former Russia Communist rule Vladimir Lenin was removed. Many Mongolians threw their shoes at the statue as… Read more »

What if Cuba Had Nuclear Weapons?

What if Cuba Had Nuclear Weapons?

By: Daniel Nardini This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was in October of 1962 that then U.S. President John F. Kennedy told the Soviet… Read more »

Watching the Powers That Be

Watching the Powers That Be

By: Daniel Nardini One of the most important uses of mobile phones these days is making sure that peoples’ constitutional rights are protected. Sometimes, the lawful authorities do not act… Read more »

What is Alabama Department of Education Trying to Hide?

What is Alabama Department of Education Trying to Hide?

By: Daniel Nardini Almost a year has passed since the Alabama state legislature passed HB (House Bill) 56 that requires, among other things, that all public schools in the state… Read more »

What Chavez Means for US

What Chavez Means for US

By: Daniel Nardini Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez has been reelected. This is a fact. What does it mean for the United States, Latin America, and the rest of the world? First… Read more »

The Bolivian Loose Cannon

The Bolivian Loose Cannon

By: Daniel Nardini The United States and the American people have more to deal with than just Hugo Chavez. On September 26th, at the United Nations, Bolivian President Evo Morales… Read more »

Where All of History is on the Table

Where All of History is on the Table

BY: Daniel Nardini History in the United States is truly a double-edged sword. Most Americans have little or no idea about the historical facts about the country they were born… Read more »