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What Judicial Transparency in Cuba?

What Judicial Transparency in Cuba?

By: Daniel Nardini Spanish citizen Angel Carromerro is on trial for his life for the death of former Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya. Back on July 22nd, Paya and another leading… Read more »

Another Haven for the Undocumented

Another Haven for the Undocumented

By: Daniel Nardini In yet another move to not only protect the rights of the undocumented but to regain the trust of a number of immigrant communities, Los Angeles Police… Read more »

Lincoln The Dictator?

Lincoln The Dictator?

By: Daniel Nardini The new movie Lincoln, about the efforts by former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln to do whatever it took to save the United States and abolish slavery, will… Read more »

Women on Waves

Women on Waves

By: Daniel Nardini In international waters not far from Morocco is a ship originally from the Netherlands. The ship, chartered by a Dutch organization called Women on Waves, provides advice… Read more »

How Great Inventions Happen

How Great Inventions Happen

By: Daniel Nardini You may never have heard of the ITClamp Hemorrhage Control System, but it might someday save your life. Invented by a Canadian surgeon named Dennis Filips, this… Read more »

The Danger of Get Rich Quick Schemes

The Danger of Get Rich Quick Schemes

By: Daniel Nardini One of my biggest arguments with news is that it has stories about how people discovered a Renoir painting or a penny worth one million dollars… Read more »

You Say “Tomatoes” And I Say “Unfair”

You Say “Tomatoes” And I Say “Unfair”

By: Daniel Nardini In a major change, the U.S. Department of Commerce will greatly curtail tomatoes being imported from Mexico. This will be a violation of the North American Free… Read more »

Protecting Hate Speech

Protecting Hate Speech

By: Daniel Nardini I do not like the neo-nazis. I do not like the Ku Klux Klan. I am not even crazy about the John Birch Society. I certainly am… Read more »

An Important Emphasis in the Immigration Law

An Important Emphasis in the Immigration Law

By: Daniel Nardini It may seem like a not so significant change in the interpretation of the law, but it will be a step that will impact hundreds of thousands… Read more »

Spicing Up The Presidential Debates

Spicing Up The Presidential Debates

By: Daniel Nardini Probably few things will bore Americans more than the U.S. presidential debates. I seriously doubt that too many people want to hear anymore attacks and negative phrase-mongering… Read more »