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A Victory for Bargaining Rights in Wisconsin

A Victory for Bargaining Rights in Wisconsin

By: Daniel Nardini Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker may have survived a recall election, but he clearly lost on one of his most important political centerpieces—eliminating bargaining rights for unions. In… Read more »

German: The Second Tongue of Indiana

German: The Second Tongue of Indiana

By: Daniel Nardini The second most commonly used language in the U.S. Midwest before 1917 was German. The language was used in so many homes, at work, and even in… Read more »

Reluctant Independence Fighter

Reluctant Independence Fighter

By: Daniel Nardini Much controversy remains surrounding the historical figure Agustin de Iturbide. Born into a prominent criollo (those born of Spanish blood in the Americas) family in 1783, Iturbide… Read more »

Searching for the Franklin Expedition

Searching for the Franklin Expedition

By: Daniel Nardini A survey and research team from the University of Victoria in Canada will be looking for the remains of two ships that were part of the Franklin… Read more »

Finally Honoring a Hero of the 65th Infantry Regiment

Finally Honoring a Hero of the 65th Infantry Regiment

By:Daniel Nardini Why this was not done decades ago is a mystery, but finally the U.S. Army is trying to honor those military heroes who should have received their medals… Read more »

Justice for the Florida Children of the Undocumented

Justice for the Florida Children of the Undocumented

By: Daniel Nardini A federal court in Florida has ruled that young people, who are U.S. citizens even though they are the children of undocumented parents, cannot be forced to… Read more »

On Home Schooling

On Home Schooling

By: Daniel Nardini It is a growing trend in the United States. There are parents who believe that the best way to “protect” their kids from the violence, gangs and… Read more »

The Case of Jason Puracal

The Case of Jason Puracal

By: Daniel Nardini Surprisingly it is hardly mentioned in the U.S. news media at all. An American named Jason Puracal now sits in a Nicaraguan prison. His crime? He was… Read more »

The Vigilante Shadow

The Vigilante Shadow

By: Daniel Nardini In the dead of night at the U.S.-Mexico border, a group of 20 to 30 undocumented men were making their way by truck from Mexico to the… Read more »

The Case of Emilio Palacio

The Case of Emilio Palacio

By: Daniel Nardini In an ironic twist, Ecuadoran journalist Emilio Palacio was given political asylum by the United States. As the world watches what is unfolding in Britain with the… Read more »