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An Apology, But No Compensation?

An Apology, But No Compensation?

By: Daniel Nardini From 1946 to 1948, the U.S. government conducted secret medical experiments on unsuspecting people in Guatemala. An estimated 1,300 were infected with venereal diseases in an effort… Read more »

The So-called “Hoax of the 20th Century

The So-called “Hoax of the 20th Century

By: Daniel Nardini There are some books I truly distaste reading. The Hoax of the 20th Century by Arthur Butz is one of them. An associate professor at Northwestern University,… Read more »

The Bloodbath in Honduras

The Bloodbath in Honduras

By: Daniel Nardini The homicide rate in Honduras is 14 times what it is in the United States. Every day agents for the U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) go out… Read more »

Protecting Children from Food Insecurity

Protecting Children from Food Insecurity

By: Daniel Nardini I am thoroughly outraged, and I am sure all of my readers will be too. An African America lady named Angela Prattis, of Chester Township, a poor… Read more »

No Reprieve in Arizona

No Reprieve in Arizona

By: Daniel Nardini In an act of defiance that borders on virtually declaring Arizona independent of the United States, Governor Teresa Brewer stated that no “illegals” shall receive state driver’s… Read more »

Defending the Demagogue

Defending the Demagogue

By: Daniel Nardini One of the saddest things taking place in this country is extreme right wing neo-conservatives trying to rehabilitate the witch-hunting legacy of former U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy…. Read more »

Fault Line in Anaheim

Fault Line in Anaheim

By: Daniel Nardini A friend of mine explained it to me this way. The majority of the residents living in Anaheim, California, are Latino—53 percent of all Anaheim residents are… Read more »

War Against the Puerto Ricans in Alabama

War Against the Puerto Ricans in Alabama

By: Daniel Nardini The State of Alabama has become a place full of sad, tragic and atrocious stories of how poorly Latinos are treated there since that state passed its… Read more »

The Eugenics Program in the United States

The Eugenics Program in the United States

By: Daniel Nardini An exhibit from Germany is making its way through the United States on an aspect of the Holocaust where millions of people were slaughtered by the Nazis…. Read more »

The Bring Jobs Home Act

The Bring Jobs Home Act

By: Daniel Nardini Previously, I had written about the workers at Sensata Technologies, located in Freeport, Illinois, losing their jobs. They were informed about their jobs being outsourced back in… Read more »