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Why Pro-choice Is Necessary
By: Daniel Nardini In this election year, the primary focus is on the economy and jobs. This is quite understandable given the current condition of the economy. The official unemployment… Read more
The FBI Investigation of Ray Bradbury
By: Daniel Nardini One of America’s greatest writers, Ray Bradbury, died on June 15th of this year at the age of 91. Famous for his books Fahrentheit 451, The Martian… Read more
Good Judgement, Bad Judgement
By: Daniel Nardini A federal judge ruled that Texas’ voter identification (ID) law is unconstitutional, and that it is discriminatory against racial and ethnic minorities as well as low-income families…. Read more
An Old File Case
By: Daniel Nardini When my wife returned from school, she brought back a very big sort-of suitcase made of leather and cardboard. It had a sturdy handle and brass clasps…. Read more
Why do They Call It Amnesty?
By: Daniel Nardini Several agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are suing the federal government over the student deferment program that was recently initiated by U.S. President Barack Obama…. Read more
One Small Victory for the Undocumented
By: Daniel Nardini At a time when the undocumented are being treated as anything except human beings, there is one brought spot in an unlikely place. A man named Jesus… Read more
The Sensata Workers: The Truth Gets Sicker
By: Daniel Nardini Everywhere Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney goes, some of the Sensata Technologies workers from Freeport, Illinois, follow to protest. As I wrote before, the workers at Sensata… Read more
Embassy Sovereignty is Sovereignty
By: Daniel Nardini For over 300 years, the grounds of any embassy or consulate have been the sovereign territory of a country that designated place is occupied by. Because of… Read more
Fighting for a Bunch of Rocks
By: Daniel Nardini One of the sad things about ultra-nationalism is that those who espouse it are stuck in the past. Such is the case with Japan and South Korea… Read more
The Case of Emilio Palacio
By: Daniel Nardini In an ironic twist, Ecuadoran journalist Emilio Palacio was given political asylum by the United States. As the world watches what is unfolding in Britain with the… Read more »