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The Shot that Brought Communism to Cuba

The Shot that Brought Communism to Cuba

By: Nardini This year, on July 26th, marks the 59th anniversary of the failed attack on the Moncada barracks in Cuba. On July 26th of 1953, then lawyer Fidel Castro… Read more »

It’s Still the Poverty Stupid!

It’s Still the Poverty Stupid!

By: Daniel Nardini No matter what may happen in the rest of the world, and no matter what the headlines may be right now, the four issues that will really… Read more »

One Slipped Through the Cracks

One Slipped Through the Cracks

By: Daniel Nardini My heart goes out to all the families and loved ones who lost someone at that movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. My heart also goes out to… Read more »

The Bigot Behind the Law

The Bigot Behind the Law

By: Daniel Nardini As I have learned from experience, laws are only as good or as bad as the people who make them. Laws that protect and serve are made… Read more »

The Right Wingers, They are a Creeping into the System

The Right Wingers, They are a Creeping into the System

By: Daniel Nardini I am hearing all kinds of non-sense from a whole lot of people that make me wonder if I am living in a fascist Twilight Zone. I… Read more »

No Child Taken Away!

No Child Taken Away!

By: Daniel Nardini There are a number of cases like this one happening in various states. This case in particular happened in Missouri. The real danger here is that it… Read more »

The Green Party Presidential Candidate

The Green Party Presidential Candidate

By: Daniel Nardini The Green Party has nominated Jill Stein as its official presidential candidate. Interestingly enough, Stein was the rival candidate for governor against then Republican candidate Mitt Romney… Read more »

No Hunt for the Communist War Criminals

No Hunt for the Communist War Criminals

By: Daniel Nardini The Simon Wiesenthal Center recently provided documentation to the Hungarian authorities about a Hungarian who collaborated with the Nazis in the deportation of Jews from Hungary in… Read more »

Our Right to Swear for the Hell of It

Our Right to Swear for the Hell of It

By: Daniel Nardini At a time when many towns, cities and even states are experiencing huge debt, growing unemployment, growing poverty, and rising crime associated with gang violence, I would… Read more »

No Part of Both Worlds

No Part of Both Worlds

By: Daniel Nardini It is worse than being stateless. Imagine being born in one country, but never having been registered as having been born there at all. Then, when you… Read more »