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TrustPlace Releases New Digital Solution to Help Reopen U.S. Schools Safely

TrustPlace Releases New Digital Solution to Help Reopen U.S. Schools Safely

TrustPlace Technologies, Inc. announced the release of the first technology solution for U.S. K-12 schools to manage, track, and report their environmental, health, and safety reopening processes. Built using newly… Read more »

Triton College Distributed Over 1,000 Backpacks During Annual Backpack Give Back Event

Triton College Distributed Over 1,000 Backpacks During Annual Backpack Give Back Event

Triton College held its third annual Backpack Give Back Event Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020, 10 a.m.-noon. A collaborative effort with West40 ISC #2, and supported by college faculty and staff,… Read more »

Aramark Awards Culinary Scholarships to Chicago Students

Aramark Awards Culinary Scholarships to Chicago Students

Aramark, a global leader in food, facilities management and uniforms, awarded $40,000 in scholarships to Chicago Public Schools (CPS) seniors from six different schools who are continuing their education in… Read more »

TrustPlace Publica Nuevas Soluciones Digitales para Ayudar a Reabrir con Seguridd las Escuelas de EU

TrustPlace Publica Nuevas Soluciones Digitales para Ayudar a Reabrir con Seguridd las Escuelas de EU

TrustPlace Technologies, Inc, anunció la publicación de la primera solución tecnológica para las estuelas K-12 de EU para manejar, seguir y reportar sus procesos de reapertura en ambiente, salud y… Read more »

Triton College Distribuyó Mas de 1,000 Mochilas en el Evento Anual de Entrega de Mochilas

Triton College Distribuyó Mas de 1,000 Mochilas en el Evento Anual de Entrega de Mochilas

El Triton College sostuvo su tercer evento anual de Entrega de Mochilas el sábado, 8 de agosto del 2020, de las 10 a.m. al mediodía. Un esfuerzo colaborativo con West40ISC… Read more »

Triton College to Host Third Annual Backpack Give Back Event

Triton College to Host Third Annual Backpack Give Back Event

College is proud to announce the third annual Backpack Give Back Event to be held on campus Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020, 10 a.m.-noon. Backpacks filled with school supplies for families will be given… Read more »

CPS Set for Full Remote Learning this Fall

CPS Set for Full Remote Learning this Fall

By: Ashmar Mandou Amid an onslaught of uncertainty over how the pandemic will affect the upcoming school year, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS)… Read more »

Triton College Organizará el Tercer Evento Anual de Reparto de Mochilas

Triton College Organizará el Tercer Evento Anual de Reparto de Mochilas

Triton College se enorgullece en anunciar su tercer Evento Anual de Reparto de Mochilas, que tendrá lugar en el campus el sábado, 8 de agosto del 2020, de 10 a.m…. Read more »

CPS Preparadas para el Aprendizaje Remoto Completo este Otoño

CPS Preparadas para el Aprendizaje Remoto Completo este Otoño

Por Ashmar Mandou Entre el embate de la incertidumbre sobre como afectará la pandemia el próximo año escolar, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) y las Escuelas Públicas… Read more »

IBHE Awards $1.3m to Colleges, Universities

IBHE Awards $1.3m to Colleges, Universities

The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) announced it will award $1.3 million in grants to five Illinois colleges and universities to strengthen and diversify the early childhood workforce pipeline…. Read more »