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Trinity High School Implementing New Diversity HR Role in 2020-2021 School Year

Trinity High School Implementing New Diversity HR Role in 2020-2021 School Year

The last three months have marked a period of change worldwide. These trying months have created a time of hardship and learning for all. Between fearing for health and safety,… Read more »

City Colleges of Chicago Launches Fresh Start: A Debt-Forgiveness Program Welcoming Students Back to College

City Colleges of Chicago Launches Fresh Start: A Debt-Forgiveness Program Welcoming Students Back to College

To give thousands of Chicagoans the chance to return to college and earn a credential, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) Chancellor Juan Salgado announced the… Read more »

Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools Announces Reopening Plans for School Year

Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools Announces Reopening Plans for School Year

The Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office of Catholic Schools released its plans to safely reopen school buildings in the fall. The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark on education in Illinois,… Read more »

Teach Your Children to Avoid the Mistakes You Made with Money

Teach Your Children to Avoid the Mistakes You Made with Money

Numerous surveys show that many Americans live paycheck to paycheck, have little saved for retirement, and lack fundamental financial knowledge. Part of the problem, experts say, is that financial literacy has… Read more »

Sones de Mexico is Back

Sones de Mexico is Back

Families and people of all ages can learn to play guitar and learn about Mexican culture with a professional musician from Sones de México Ensemble. Parents and siblings are encouraged… Read more »

Chicago Teens Begin Remote Summer Programs through After School Matters®

Chicago Teens Begin Remote Summer Programs through After School Matters®

After School Matters® has re-envisioned summer programs to provide safe, equitable and innovative remote learning opportunities during the pandemic to 10,000 Chicago teens. More than 500 different programs in the… Read more »

Enseñe a sus hijos a evitar los errores que cometió con dinero

Enseñe a sus hijos a evitar los errores que cometió con dinero

Numerosas encuestas muestran que muchos estadounidenses viven de cheque en cheque, tienen poco ahorro para la jubilación y carecen de conocimientos financieros fundamentales. Parte del problema, dicen los expertos, es… Read more »

Student Artist Receives Recognition for Transforming Boarded Up Bank Windows

Student Artist Receives Recognition for Transforming Boarded Up Bank Windows

BMO Harris Bank hosted a reception to thank CPS Lives participants who transformed the temporary plywood that covered BMO’s main Chicago branch during protests last month into permanent artwork that… Read more »

Public-Private Education Partners Come Together to Close Chicago’s Digital Divide

Public-Private Education Partners Come Together to Close Chicago’s Digital Divide

Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Chicago Connected—a multi-year, public-private partnership to close Chicago’s digital divide and ensure that Chicago Public School (CPS) students have access to the internet and remote learning. … Read more »

Child and Adult Care Food Program to Provide Meals

Child and Adult Care Food Program to Provide Meals

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced that funding is available for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in fiscal year 2021. The program assists child care… Read more »