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Grupo de Padres pide a CPS la Reapertura
Por: Ashmar Mandou Mientras el Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago y las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago continúan enfrentándose por el regreso al aprendizaje presencial, ha surgido un nuevo grupo, con… Read more
Oportunidad de Programas Remotos Ofrece After School Matters®
Están abiertas ahora las solicitudes para más de 400 programas remotos esta primavera, a través de After School Matters®. Esta primaera existe la oportunidad de innovador aprendizaje remoto, seguro y… Read more
CTA, CPS Announce Scholarship Fund
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on Monday announced that new applications are now being accepted for the “CTA Elevating Futures Scholarship Fund”, an innovative program… Read more
Study the Art of Puppetry this Winter
This winter is the perfect time to stay inside, dive into live, hands-on puppetry workshops and make something extraordinary. That’s why, due to popular demand, the Chicago International Puppet Theater… Read more
CPS Announces Labor Agreement for Local 399 School Building Engineers
Chicago Public Schools and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 399 announced a new three-year labor agreement between the Union and CPS’s facility management companies that ensures stable,… Read more
CTA Y CPS Anuncian Fondo de Becas
La Autoridad de Tránsito de Chicago (CTA) y las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) anunciaron el lunes que se están aceptando nuevas solicitudes para el fondo de becas “CTA Elevating… Read more
Estudio del Arte de las Marionetas este Invierno
Este invierno es el momento perfecto para quedarse en casa, adentrarse en la vida, talleres prácticos de títeres y hacer algo extraordinario. Por eso, debido a la demanda popular, el… Read more
Illinois Department of Financial Professional Regulation Releases Info on Student Loans
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation wants to ensure that Illinois consumers are aware of COVID-19 relief options that are available to them. The IDFPR released an educational… Read more
IBHE Announces New Planning Advisory Committee
The Illinois Board of Higher Education is announcing the members of its Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, which will develop a draft plan to fulfill the board’s which will lay out… Read more
CTU Kicks Off Little Village Caravan for Safe Schools
The Chicago Teachers Union kicked off the Little Village Car Caravan for Safe Schools Tuesday afternoon, 31st and Kedzie, to demand that CPS put its dangerous reopening plan on hold… Read more