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Harold Washington College dará la bienvenida al nuevo presidente

Harold Washington College dará la bienvenida al nuevo presidente

La Junta de Síndicos de City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) votó a fines del año pasado para aprobar el nombramiento del Dr. Daniel López, Jr. como presidente de Harold Washington… Read more »

Las solicitudes ahora están abiertas para los adolescentes de Chicago High School

Las solicitudes ahora están abiertas para los adolescentes de Chicago High School

After School Matters® ahora está aceptando solicitudes para los programas de primavera 2020, que comenzarán la semana del 10 de febrero. Los estudiantes pueden elegir entre más de 400 programas… Read more »

CCPA Young Composer Competition

CCPA Young Composer Competition

CCPA Music Composition Faculty invite high school aged composers to submit to the 2019-2020 Young Composer Competition. Deadline to submit is January 21st, 2020. Submission guidelines include: – Students must… Read more »

Express Transfer Admission Day

Express Transfer Admission Day

Dominican University is making it even easier to transfer, so you can focus on what matters: elevating your education. Receive an admission decision, financial aid award and tentative schedule—all on… Read more »

Early Childhood Advocates Support Equitable Funding for Early Childhood Care

Early Childhood Advocates Support Equitable Funding for Early Childhood Care

Courtesy of Illinois Action for Children We applaud Governor Pritzker for his commitment to young children and their families, as demonstrated by the launching of the Illinois Commission on Equitable… Read more »

Spring Exhibition at DePaul Art Museum to Explore Human Impact on the Environment

Spring Exhibition at DePaul Art Museum to Explore Human Impact on the Environment

In spring 2020, DePaul Art Museum will present “The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene,” an exhibition organized by the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at… Read more »

Concurso Joven Compositor de CCPA

Concurso Joven Compositor de CCPA

La Facultad de Composición Musical CCPA invita a compositores en edad de secundaria a enviar su obra a la Competencia del Joven Compositor del 2019-2020. La fecha límite para enviar… Read more »

Exhibición de Primavera del Museo de Arte de DePaul para Explorar el Impacto Humano en el Ambiente

Exhibición de Primavera del Museo de Arte de DePaul para Explorar el Impacto Humano en el Ambiente

En la primavera del 2020, DePaul Art Museum presentará “El Mundo por Venir: El Arte en la Edad del Antropoceno”, una exhibición organizada por el Museo de Arte Samuel P…. Read more »

Pritzker Administration Launches New Training Program to Increase Minority Presence in Film Industry

Pritzker Administration Launches New Training Program to Increase Minority Presence in Film Industry

The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) plans to invest $500,000 through the Illinois Film Office Workforce Training Program to enable more women and minorities to access job… Read more »

Students Earn State Seal of Biliteracy

Students Earn State Seal of Biliteracy

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced that 6,217 high school students in the Class of 2019 have earned the State Seal of Biliteracy, which means they demonstrated a… Read more »