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UIC Receives Funding for Study on Sleep Apnea, Chronic Kidney Disease

UIC Receives Funding for Study on Sleep Apnea, Chronic Kidney Disease

University of Illinois at Chicago researchers received $2.9 million from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to study the outcomes of patients with sleep apnea and… Read more »

Volunteers Needed for Triton’s Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program

Volunteers Needed for Triton’s Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program

Tax time is almost right around the corner, and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of West Suburban Cook and Southern DuPage Counties located at Triton College will once again… Read more »

Chicago Bar Association Announces ‘Lawyers in the Classroom’ Program

Chicago Bar Association Announces ‘Lawyers in the Classroom’ Program

The Chicago Bar Association has partnered with a longstanding civic education program that brings lawyers directly into the classrooms of Chicago-area elementary schools to teach the U.S. Constitution and promote… Read more »

Groundbreaking Research Shows Majority of CPS English Learners Match or Exceed Academic Progress of Other Students

Groundbreaking Research Shows Majority of CPS English Learners Match or Exceed Academic Progress of Other Students

New groundbreaking research from the UChicago Consortium on School Research shows that students who begin CPS as English Learners (EL) in kindergarten and reach proficiency by eighth grade are matching… Read more »

Evening the Odds: Cicero District’s Plan to Uplift the Community

Evening the Odds: Cicero District’s Plan to Uplift the Community

Cicero District 99 will kick off its popular, long-running Parent University program for the 2019-2020 academic year on Friday, Dec. 6th, by welcoming award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker, philanthropist and pilot Jackie Camacho-Ruiz. A… Read more »

Se Busca Voluntarios para el Programa de Asesoramiento Fiscal para Personas Mayores (TCE) de Triton

Se Busca Voluntarios para el Programa de Asesoramiento Fiscal para Personas Mayores (TCE) de Triton

La época de los impuestos está a la vuelta de la esquina y el Programa Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) de los Suburbios del Oeste del Condado de Cook… Read more »

La Asociación de Abogados de Chicago Anuncia el Programa ‘Abogados en el Aula’

La Asociación de Abogados de Chicago Anuncia el Programa ‘Abogados en el Aula’

La Asociación de Abogados de Chicago se afilió con un programa de educación cívica de larga data para llevar abogados directamente a los salones de clase de las escuelas elementales… Read more »

Innovadora Investigación Muestra que la Mayoría de Estudiantes de Inglés de CPS Igualan o Superan el Progreso Académico de Otros Estudiantes

Innovadora Investigación Muestra que la Mayoría de Estudiantes de Inglés de CPS Igualan o Superan el Progreso Académico de Otros Estudiantes

Nuevas e innovadoras investigaciones de Chicago Consortium of School Research muestran que los estudiantes que comienzan en CPS como Aprendices de Inglés (EL) en el kindergarten y alcanzan el dominio… Read more »

Igualando las Probabilidades: Plan del Distrito de Cicero para Mejorar la Comunidad

Igualando las Probabilidades: Plan del Distrito de Cicero para Mejorar la Comunidad

El Distrito 99 de Cicero lanzará su popular programa Parent University para el año académico 2019-2020 el viernes, 6 de diciembre, dando la bienvenida a la premiada empresaria, autora, oradora,… Read more »

Triton College Annual Deck the Mounds Holiday Festival of Trees

Triton College Annual Deck the Mounds Holiday Festival of Trees

Mark your calendars for Triton College’s annual Deck the Mounds Holiday Festival of Trees, Thursday, Dec. 5, from 4-6:30 p.m. Deck the Mounds has become one the most anticipated events of… Read more »