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Ford Announces $500,000,000 for Illinois College-Bound Students

Ford Announces $500,000,000 for Illinois College-Bound Students

State Representative La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, and Michele Clark Academic Prep Magnet High School Principal Charles Anderson are encouraging high school seniors to get an early start on both… Read more »

Advance Illinois Examines Statewide Education Progress, Ongoing Challenges in New Report

Advance Illinois Examines Statewide Education Progress, Ongoing Challenges in New Report

Advance Illinois continues its work as a leading independent, research-based education policy and advocacy organization with the release of The State We’re In 2019: A Report on Public Education in… Read more »

Llamado a Todos los Voluntarios: Programa (STARTS) de Reclutas de la Academia de Capacitación para Personas Mayores

Llamado a Todos los Voluntarios: Programa (STARTS) de Reclutas de la Academia de Capacitación para Personas Mayores

La Academia de Entrenamiento Policial del Alguacil del Condado de Cook y el Programa de Voluntarios Jubilados y Mayores (RSVP) busca adultos mayores que deseen ser voluntarios de un nuevo… Read more »

Maestros de CPS Marchan en el Centro de la Ciudad

Maestros de CPS Marchan en el Centro de la Ciudad

Por: Ashmar Mandou Miles de maestros de Chicago se dirigieron al centro de la ciudad para protestar, mientras la Alcaldesa Lori Laghtfoot daba su discurso sobre el presupuesto y la… Read more »

Ford Anuncia $500,000,000 para Futuros Estudiantes Universitarios

Ford Anuncia $500,000,000 para Futuros Estudiantes Universitarios

La Representante Estatal La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago y el Director de Michele Clark Academic Prep Magnet High School, Charles Anderson, animan a los estudiantes de último año de secundaria… Read more »

Consider a Career in Manufacturing

Consider a Career in Manufacturing

By: Brandon Blagg Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News Do you like computers and technology? Are you intrigued by the way things move and function? Are you creative? Do you like… Read more »

Noble’s Pritzker Access Scholarship Program for Undocumented Students Garners National Recognition

Noble’s Pritzker Access Scholarship Program for Undocumented Students Garners National Recognition

The Noble Network of Charter Schools announced its Pritzker Access Scholarship (PAS) program has been recognized as an Examples of Excelencia Program to Watch. The program is one of only… Read more »

Two Holy Trinity High School Seniors Head to NYC for Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Two Holy Trinity High School Seniors Head to NYC for Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Two Holy Trinity High School seniors packed their bags and headed to New York to pitch their business concepts at the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge… Read more »

University of Chicago Crime Lab to Mark First 10 Years at October Event

University of Chicago Crime Lab to Mark First 10 Years at October Event

To mark a decade of work that has helped transform the way academic research tackles the most urgent and pressing public policy challenges in the United States, the University of… Read more »

Considera una Carrera en Fabricación

Considera una Carrera en Fabricación

Por: Brandon Blagg Editado por Lawndale Bilingual News ¿Le gustan las acomputadoras y la tecnología? ¿Le intriga la forma en que las cosas se mueven y funcionan? ¿Es usted creativo?… Read more »