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Llega Inversión para Tutoría Juvenil

Llega Inversión para Tutoría Juvenil

La Ciudad de Chicago está dando pasos adicionales para prevenir la violencia en barrios que experimentan altos niveles de violencia, invirtiendo $10.4 millones para sostener los programas de tutoría juvenil… Read more »

El Departamento de Derechos Humanos de Illinois Honra a “Constructores de Sueños”

El Departamento de Derechos Humanos de Illinois Honra a “Constructores de Sueños”

El Departamento de Derechos Humanos de Illinois (IDHR) en colaboración con First Northern Credit Union, reconoce a organizaciones que empoderan a los jóvenes y los animan a realizar todo su… Read more »

Weingarten de AFT y Sharkey de CTU se Pronuncian Sobre el Despojo del Fondo de Pensiones de Docentes de Chicago en Prisiones Privadas

Weingarten de AFT y Sharkey de CTU se Pronuncian Sobre el Despojo del Fondo de Pensiones de Docentes de Chicago en Prisiones Privadas

El Presidente de American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten y el Vicepresidente del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago, Jesse Sharkey, expidieron las siguientes declaraciones después de que el Fondo de… Read more »

Consejos para el Regreso a la Escuela

Consejos para el Regreso a la Escuela

Cuando termina el verano y llega el momento de regreso a la escuela puede ser difícil ajustarse al programa regular – tanto para los niños como para los adultos. A… Read more »

LeadersUp Hosts Its 2nd Annual Hiring Fair

LeadersUp Hosts Its 2nd Annual Hiring Fair

Established in 2013, by Starbucks and forward-thinking business leaders, LeadersUp is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit and talent development accelerator, that works to address the burgeoning opportunity divide and national youth… Read more »

State Board Releases First-Ever Snapshot of Kindergarten Readiness

State Board Releases First-Ever Snapshot of Kindergarten Readiness

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the first-ever statewide snapshot of kindergarten readiness in Illinois. The data cap off the first year of the state’s bold effort to… Read more »

Healthy Schools Campaign Celebrates 15 Years

Healthy Schools Campaign Celebrates 15 Years

Healthy Schools Campaign celebrated 15 years of service with more than 275 guests, representing Chicago’s civic, business, education, healthcare, philanthropic, school and grassroots communities at the annual Change for Good… Read more »

CPS Opens Eckersall Stadium

CPS Opens Eckersall Stadium

CPS cuts the ribbon on Eckersall Stadium and Athletic Fields, a premier athletic facility which will serve area schools and the Special Olympics. The sodded athletic facility was transformed to… Read more »

20 CPS Schools to Receive Funding to Create Initiative

20 CPS Schools to Receive Funding to Create Initiative

Chicago Public Schools announced the 20 schools that will receive a combined $10 million investment to implement the Sustainable Community School Initiative – a new initiative that pairs schools with… Read more »

Top Back-to-School Health Tips for Moms

Top Back-to-School Health Tips for Moms

After a long summer break, it’s time for the kids to head back to school and focus on classes, sports and other after-school activities. But as you get adjusted to… Read more »