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CCC Announces New Initiative to Help Students Create Postsecondary Plans

CCC Announces New Initiative to Help Students Create Postsecondary Plans

Mayor Emanuel, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced a collaborative effort to support Learn. Plan. Succeed. (LPS), a first in the nation initiative to ensure… Read more »

Archdiocese of Chicago Announces New Parish and School Structures in North Shore and Lakes Region Renew My Church Groupings

Archdiocese of Chicago Announces New Parish and School Structures in North Shore and Lakes Region Renew My Church Groupings

As part of the Archdiocese’s revitalization initiative, Renew My Church, the leadership of parishes in the North Shore and Lakes Region groupings have been meeting to discuss the future church,… Read more »

CPS Expand Safe Passage to 14 Additional Schools

CPS Expand Safe Passage to 14 Additional Schools

Chicago Public Schools announced the Safe Passage program will be expanded to include 14 additional schools, bringing the total number of schools with Safe Passage to 159 to serve more… Read more »

CPL Breaks Ground on Renovation of Whitney M. Young, Jr. Library

CPL Breaks Ground on Renovation of Whitney M. Young, Jr. Library

Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined Alderman Roderick Sawyer, Chicago Public Library Commissioner Brian Bannon and Public Building Commission Executive Director Carina Sanchez to break ground on the complete renovation and modernization… Read more »

Budget Agreement without DREAM Act Means More Deportations

Budget Agreement without DREAM Act Means More Deportations

Courtesy of ICIRR Today a budget proposal was reached by Congress to end the federal government shutdown without a DREAM Act, legislation which would provide a pathway to citizenship for… Read more »

Raoul Wins CTU endorsement in bid to become Illinois Attorney General

Raoul Wins CTU endorsement in bid to become Illinois Attorney General

Senator Kwame Raoul joined Chicago Teachers Union officials, who formally announced that their 24,000-strong union is endorsing Raoul in his candidacy to serve as the next Attorney General of Illinois…. Read more »

Subvención al Consorcio de Enfermeras Bilingües de Chicago

Subvención al Consorcio de Enfermeras Bilingües de Chicago

Chicago Bilingual Nurse Consortium (CBNC) recibió un subsidio de continuación de $150,000 de Chicago Community Trust. Estos fondos permitirán que la organización continúe apoyando y educando a Enfermeras Educadas Internacionalmente… Read more »

Se Necesita tu Voz

Se Necesita tu Voz

Las Elecciones para el Concilio Escolar Local (CEL) del 2018 tendrán lugar el miércoles, 18 de abril del 2018 para las escuelas elementales y el jueves, 19 de abril del… Read more »

La Arquidiócesis de Chicago Anuncia Nueva Estructura en Parroquias y Escuelas  y la Agrupación Renew My Church de las Escuelas en North Shore y Lakes Region

La Arquidiócesis de Chicago Anuncia Nueva Estructura en Parroquias y Escuelas y la Agrupación Renew My Church de las Escuelas en North Shore y Lakes Region

Como parte de la iniciativa de revitalización de la Arquidiócesis, Renew My Church, el liderazgo de parroquias y en North Shore y Lakes Regions, ha habido reunión de grupos para… Read more »

El Grupo de Tambores Africanos ‘Kaben Kafo’ se Presenta en el Triton

El Grupo de Tambores Africanos ‘Kaben Kafo’ se Presenta en el Triton

Por demanda popular regresa Kaben Kafo al campus del Triton para un taller y una actuación en vivo. Kaben Kafo (traducción: “Toquemos Juntos” en el idioma Malinke que se habla… Read more »