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Triton College’s Cernan Center is Your Great American Eclipse of 2017 Headquarters

Triton College’s Cernan Center is Your Great American Eclipse of 2017 Headquarters

Stick with Triton College’s Cernan Earth and Space Center to ensure you have the best possible experience when you witness the Great American Eclipse of 2017. On Monday, Aug. 21,… Read more »

Students Participate in Summer Career Conference

Students Participate in Summer Career Conference

In an effort to increase the representation of African Americans and Latinos within the financial services sector, the Financial Services Pipeline (FSP) Initiative brought together more than 100 interns at… Read more »

City Announces New Partnership Between Illinois Institute of Tech and Politecnico Di Milano

City Announces New Partnership Between Illinois Institute of Tech and Politecnico Di Milano

Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a new partnership between Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute of Design (IIT-ID) and Politecnico di Milano University’s School of Design (Polimi-Design) that will increase international academic… Read more »

Morton College to Expand Hours to Reach

Morton College to Expand Hours to Reach

Morton College will offer extended hours during the month of August to accommodate new and current students who are interested in registering for the Fall semester, meeting with an advisor… Read more »

CPS Board Approves GoCPS

CPS Board Approves GoCPS

CPS approved the new application at the April Board of Education meeting. All incoming eighth graders will be required to use GoCPS, a new online portal, to rank order their… Read more »

Rep. Gutiérrez Puts Out The Call For Help Defending Dreamers, DACA and Immigrants

Rep. Gutiérrez Puts Out The Call For Help Defending Dreamers, DACA and Immigrants

On Wednesday in a speech on the floor of Congress, Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) issued a call to action to resist the Trump Administration’s plans to turn 1.2 million… Read more »

Residente de Chicago Entre los Ganadores del Concurso de Escritura Internacional

Residente de Chicago Entre los Ganadores del Concurso de Escritura Internacional

La residente de Chicago, Janey Bell, fue anunciada oficialmente como ganadora del Concurso de Escritores del Futuro. El concurso, una de las más prestigiosas competencias de escritura, está en su… Read more »

La Junta de CPS Aprueba GoCPS

La Junta de CPS Aprueba GoCPS

CPS aprobó una nueva aplicación en la reunión de la Junta de Educación de abril. Todos los estudiantes de 8º grado que entren tendrán que usar GoCPS, nuevo portal en… Read more »

Morton College Amplía su Horario

Morton College Amplía su Horario

Morton College ampliará su horario durante el mes de agosto para acomodar a nuevos y actuales estudiantes interesados en inscribirse para el semestre de otoño, hablar con un consejero o… Read more »

Los Estudiantes Participan en la Conferencia de Carreras de Verano

Los Estudiantes Participan en la Conferencia de Carreras de Verano

En un esfuerzo por incrementar la representación de afroamericanos y latinos dentro del sector de servicios financieros, la iniciativa de Financial Services Pipeline (FSP) reunió a más de 100 internos… Read more »