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Latino Art Beat Honra a Ganadores de la Competencia de Arte Jóvenes Cubanos

Latino Art Beat Honra a Ganadores de la Competencia de Arte Jóvenes Cubanos

Latino Art Beat, ahora en su 20 aniversario, ha concluído su primera competencia de arte con los jóvenes de la República de Cuba y de su clientela básica, aquí en… Read more »

Triton’s Annual ‘Fun Family Fitness Day’ Features Activities and Resources

Triton’s Annual ‘Fun Family Fitness Day’ Features Activities and Resources

Children and adults of all ages can dance, run and play their way to a healthier lifestyle during Triton College’s second-annual Fun Family Fitness Day on Saturday, May 13th. Families… Read more »

Toyota’s ‘Juntos Somos Imparables’ Salutes Latino Achievement

Toyota’s ‘Juntos Somos Imparables’ Salutes Latino Achievement

Toyota debuted its Juntos Somos Imparables (Together We Are Unstoppable) community engagement series at Hispanicize 2017, the nation’s largest gathering of Latino professionals in digital content, marketing, journalism and entertainment…. Read more »

John Lennon Bus Visits Clemente High School

John Lennon Bus Visits Clemente High School

The John Lennon Tour Bus visited Clemente High School in the Humboldt Park community Tuesday morning as part of its nationwide art and digital education tour. Clemente High School’s radio… Read more »

Parents Pressure Mayor to Keep Schools Open with TIF Funds

Parents Pressure Mayor to Keep Schools Open with TIF Funds

By: Ashmar Mandou Concerned parents and community leaders joined elected officials for a press conference on Tuesday morning inside City Hall to ask City Council and Mayor Rahm Emanuel support… Read more »

Rasmussen College Opens Chicago-Based Learning Center, Providing Access to Higher Education

Rasmussen College Opens Chicago-Based Learning Center, Providing Access to Higher Education

Rasmussen College, a regionally accredited private college, announced the opening of a new learning center in southwest Chicago. The Rasmussen College Centro de Aprendizaje (Learning Center), located at 3948 West… Read more »

Morton College to Host Latest Production ‘Gypsy’

Morton College to Host Latest Production ‘Gypsy’

On Thursday, April 20, Morton College and its acclaimed theater, the Jedlicka Performing Arts Center, will host a VIP viewing party for its newest production: Gypsy. A rendition of the… Read more »

Take Control of Your Finances! Participate In Money Smart Week®

Take Control of Your Finances! Participate In Money Smart Week®

With the lengthy budget delay in Illinois, funding for many state grant and scholarship programs is still in limbo, and financial uncertainty has become a daily obstacle for many students… Read more »

Padres de Familia Presionan al Alcalde para que Mantenga las Escuelas Abiertas con Fondos TIF

Padres de Familia Presionan al Alcalde para que Mantenga las Escuelas Abiertas con Fondos TIF

Por: Ashmar Mandou Preocupados padres y líderes comunitarios se unieron a funcionarios electos en una conferencia de prensa el martes en la mañana en el Ayuntamiento, para pedir al Concilio… Read more »

¡Controle de sus Finanzas! Participe en la Semana Money Smart®

¡Controle de sus Finanzas! Participe en la Semana Money Smart®

Con el prolongado retraso del presupuesto en Illinois, los fondos para muchos subsidios estatales y programas de becas se encuentran aún en el limbo y la incertidumbre financiera se ha… Read more »