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#FedUpFriday:  Estudiantes de CPS Protestan Contra Cortes Presupuestales

#FedUpFriday: Estudiantes de CPS Protestan Contra Cortes Presupuestales

Por: Ashmar Mandou Estudiantes que asisten a varias escuelas públicas de la ciudad iniciaron su fin de semana con una reunión el viernes por la tarde frente al Thompson Center… Read more »

Queen of Peace Dance Company “Rocks the House” for their 15th year

Queen of Peace Dance Company “Rocks the House” for their 15th year

The Peace Dance Company will celebrate their 15th anniversary with the “Rock the House” show. “Rock the House” will feature dances choreographed to classic and current rock and roll hits…. Read more »

HACE Redefines Leadership through Annual Gala

HACE Redefines Leadership through Annual Gala

By: Ashmar Mandou The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE), one of the longest national non-profit organizations dedicated to the advancement of employment, development, and leadership will soon host their… Read more »

New CPS Computer Science Graduation Requirement to Prepare Students for Jobs of the Future

New CPS Computer Science Graduation Requirement to Prepare Students for Jobs of the Future

The Chicago Board of Education on Wednesday unanimously approved the addition of computer science as a graduation requirement for all Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students beginning with next year’s freshmen,… Read more »

USHLI Conference Draws Huge Crowd

USHLI Conference Draws Huge Crowd

Caption by Ashmar Mandou The 34th annual USHLI Conference was held in Chicago and once again drew hundreds of students and educators onto the grounds of the Sheraton Chicago Hotel… Read more »

El HACE redefine el Liderazgo a través de la Gala Anual

El HACE redefine el Liderazgo a través de la Gala Anual

Por: Ashmar Mandou La Alianza Hispana para Mejora de Carreras (HACE), una de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro más antigua dedicada a la mejoría del empleo, desarrollo y liderazgo… Read more »

Conferencia de USHLI atrae una Enorme Audiencia

Conferencia de USHLI atrae una Enorme Audiencia

Pie de Página por Ashmar Mandou La 34a conferencia anual de USHLI se llevó a cabo en Chicago y una vez más atrajo a cientos de estudiantes y educadores al… Read more »

“Rocks the House” por la Compañía de Danza de Queen of Peace en su 15º aniversario

“Rocks the House” por la Compañía de Danza de Queen of Peace en su 15º aniversario

La Compañía de Danza Peace va a celebrar su 15o aniversario con el espectáculo “Rock the House”. “Rock the House” va a presentar danzas coreografiadas como clásicas y como éxitos… Read more »

Tepeyac Senior Service Project Exceeds Expectations

Tepeyac Senior Service Project Exceeds Expectations

“We are prophets of a future not our own.” As we began here at Tepeyac this August, a group of 13 seniors reflected on these words from a well-known prayer… Read more »

Martinez Proposal Will Encourage More U of I Students to Run for Student Trustee Position

Martinez Proposal Will Encourage More U of I Students to Run for Student Trustee Position

An undocumented University of Illinois student was recently prevented from running for the position of student trustee because he was unable to show that he was a registered voter in… Read more »