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Suicide Prevention Organization Partners with H.S. Coaches Organization

Suicide Prevention Organization Partners with H.S. Coaches Organization

The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI), a national leader in youth suicide awareness and prevention programs, is joining with the National Organization of Coaches Association Directors (NOCAD) for an affiliation targeted… Read more »

Nuevo Proyecto de Duckworth Ayudaría a Estudiantes que Trabajan a Facilitar su Entrada a la Universidad

Nuevo Proyecto de Duckworth Ayudaría a Estudiantes que Trabajan a Facilitar su Entrada a la Universidad

Buscando frenar los costos de una educación superior y limitar la carga de los préstamos estudiantiles que enfrentan los jóvenes estadounidenses, la Congresista Tammy Duckworth (IL-08) introdujo una legislación para… Read more »

CPS Exhorta a los Padres y Miembros de la Comunidad a Postularse para el Concilio Escolar Local

CPS Exhorta a los Padres y Miembros de la Comunidad a Postularse para el Concilio Escolar Local

Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) están exhortando a las personas interesadas en unirse al Concilio Escolar Local (CEL) a postularse para las elecciones del mismo, el 13 y 14… Read more »

Organización de Prevención al Suicidio se Asocia con Organización de Entrenadores

Organización de Prevención al Suicidio se Asocia con Organización de Entrenadores

Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI), líder nacional en programas de prevención y concientización del suicidio entre jóvenes, se une a la Organización Nacional de la Asociación de Entrenadores y Directores (NOCAD)… Read more »

Estudiantes de Secundaria Hacen una Gran Donación a Albergue para Indigentes

Estudiantes de Secundaria Hacen una Gran Donación a Albergue para Indigentes

Más de 600 jovencitas estudiantes de 120 secundarias de Chicago se reunieron el domingo para ayudar a hacer una diferencia en la vida de otros. En tres horas, los estudiantes… Read more »

Parents Stage Sit-In at Saucedo Scholastic Academy

Parents Stage Sit-In at Saucedo Scholastic Academy

By: Ashmar Mandou Nearly three dozen frustrated parents, students, and community members from the Saucedo-Telpochcalli-Spry-Community Links-Little Village community held a sit-in January 20th at Saucedo Scholastic Academy to vocalize their… Read more »

Morton College Welcomes New President

Morton College Welcomes New President

By: Ashmar Mandou Morton College’s Board of Trustees recently appointed Dr. Stanley Fields as the college’s new president during their meeting January 21st. Dr. Fields was selected from an array… Read more »

The Best Career Advice for College Students: Avoid Easy Internships

The Best Career Advice for College Students: Avoid Easy Internships

Although young job seekers with only a high school degree are in even worse shape, recent college graduates have entered a grim job market. The economy is still recovering, entry-level… Read more »

IL Policy Institute Statement on Proposal to Overhaul Education Funding Formula

IL Policy Institute Statement on Proposal to Overhaul Education Funding Formula

On Monday, Illinois Senate President John Cullerton proposed an overhaul to the way Illinois funds its public schools. While Cullerton and other lawmakers called for a change to the state’s… Read more »

Queen of Peace High School Participates in Home Challenge

Queen of Peace High School Participates in Home Challenge

A generous donor has challenged Chicago to come together as a community of faith to build the Pope Francis Home, a home constructed and funded in honor of Pope Francis…. Read more »