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Morton East Teacher Wins Awards

Morton East Teacher Wins Awards

On Friday, Nov. 13, Mr. Raymond Lunz was awarded the 2015 Best High School Blood Drive Coordinator State Award on behalf of the Illinois Coalition of Community Blood Centers (ICCBC)…. Read more »

CPS Calls For Springfield to Provide ‘20 for 20’

CPS Calls For Springfield to Provide ‘20 for 20’

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool laid out a compelling case for treating Chicago’s students fairly, asking for the state to spend 20 percent of its education funding on the… Read more »

Books Galore at Triton College Library with Family Reading Day

Books Galore at Triton College Library with Family Reading Day

The Triton College Library presents a couple of opportunities this November to inspire reading among young and old. Spend a moment to read a fun book with your children during… Read more »

Morton West High School Devela Nuevo Laboratorio dle Artes Culinarias

Morton West High School Devela Nuevo Laboratorio dle Artes Culinarias

Morton West High School tuvo su ceremonia del corte de cinta el 4 de noviembre, con la presencia especial del Chef Steven Jackson de los Toros de Chicago, para celebrar… Read more »

CPS Pide que Springfield Ofrezca ’20 por 20’

CPS Pide que Springfield Ofrezca ’20 por 20’

El CEO de Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago, Forrest Claypool, presentó un caso convincente para tratar justamente a los estudiantes de Chicago, pidiéndo que el estado gaste un 20 por… Read more »

Maestro de Morton East Galardonado

Maestro de Morton East Galardonado

El viernes, 13 de noviembre, el Sr. Raymond Lunz fue galardonado con el Premio al mejor Coordinador en Campañas de Donación de Sangre en Secundarias del Estado, a nombre de… Read more »



La JUVENTUD DE LULAC de Illinois atentamente extiende invitación a estudiantes y exhortamos a padres de familia a que acompañen a sus hijos que desean superarse y continuar con sus… Read more »

CPS To Compete Against Brooklyn Public Schools in 2015 Hour Of Code Challenge

CPS To Compete Against Brooklyn Public Schools in 2015 Hour Of Code Challenge

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) will compete against New York City Public District Schools in Brooklyn to sign up more schools for the national computer science competition, the Hour of Code… Read more »

Donors Choose and Google Surprise Lane Tech High School Special Education Teachers

Donors Choose and Google Surprise Lane Tech High School Special Education Teachers

On Tuesday, November 10, surprised two teachers at Lane Tech High School in Chicago with funding through the Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities for their innovative project to enhance opportunities… Read more »

‘Fund Our Future Now’

‘Fund Our Future Now’

By: Ashmar Mandou Over 500 CPS students took over the grounds at James R. Thompson Center last Friday to urge the State Government to pass a budget that will fund… Read more »