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Nation’s Largest School Districts to Procure Antibiotic-free Chicken
The Urban School Food Alliance (The Alliance), a coalition of the largest school districts in the United States that includes New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami-Dade, Dallas and Orlando,… Read more
Haz La U Awards Chicago Students for Community Work
For many immigrants, the American Dream is just a dream, but for three exemplary Hispanic high school seniors in Chicago, this dream is closer than ever to become a reality…. Read more
Garcia Pledges Democratically-elected School Board, Through State Legislation or Federal Lawsuit
We need to change direction at CPS so that our neighborhood schools get the resources they need to thrive, with a focus on expanding equity. Our schools don’t flourish when… Read more
CPS Partnering with Universities, Colleges to Increase Completion Rates for CPS Graduates
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced Tuesday that it is partnering with leaders in higher education to form the Chicago Higher Education Compact, a collaboration dedicated to developing solutions to increase… Read more
Chicago Public Library Encourages Chicago Students to Read During Winter Break
Research indicates that students lose skills when school is not in session. Chicago Public Library wants to help children and teens continue building their literacy skills, as well as enhance… Read more
La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago Exhorta a los Estudiantes de Chicago a que Lean Durante las Vacaciones de Invierno
Las investigaciones indican que los estudiantes pierden destreza cuando la escuela está cerrada. La Biblioteca Pública de Chicago quiere ayudar a que los niños y adolescentes continúen mejorando su destreza… Read more
Los Distritos Más Grandes de la Nación Procuran Pollo Sin Antibióticos
Urban School Food Alliance (The Alliance) [La Alianza], la coalición de los mayores distritos en Estados Unidos, incluyendo la Ciudad de Nueva York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami-Dade, Dallas y Orlando,… Read more
Haz la U Premia a Estudiantes de Chicago por su Trabajo Comunitario
Para muchos inmigrantes, el Sueño Americano es solo un sueño, pero para tres estudiantes hispanos de último año de secundaria de Chicago, este sueño está más cerca que nunca de… Read more
CPS se Asocia con Universidades y Colegios para Aumentar el Indice de Finalización para los Graduados de CPS
Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) anunciaron el martes su afiliación con líderes en educación superior para formar Chicago Higher Education Compact, colaboración dedicada a desarrollar soluciones para aumentar la… Read more
Delgado Applauds Grant for Driven and Empowered Youth Inc.
State Senator William Delgado (D-Chicago) congratulated Driven and Empowered Youth Inc. (DEY) Tuesday afternoon upon being selected to receive a state grant by the Illinois State Board of Education. “It’s… Read more