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Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Announces Expanded Eligibility for ECACE Scholarship
The Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) is pleased to share that the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) has opened the 2023-24 application for the ECACE Scholarship, now with… Read more
As Chicago Public Schools Lets Out for Summer; 10,000 Chicago Teens to Participate In
As thousands of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students begin their annual summer break, approximately 10,000 CPS high school students are registered to participate in programs through After School Matters. This… Read more
Triton College Presenta “Girls on Track” 2023
Estudiantes del personal de Rhodes Elementary School en River Grove, fueron al campus del Triton College el jueves, 11 de mayo. El club de carreras de Rhodes “Girls on Track”… Read more
Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago y la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago Lanzan Programación de Alfabetización para el Verano
Al llegar a su fin el año escolar 2022-23, las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) y la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago (CPL) recuerdan a los estudiantes los muchos programas de… Read more
Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Anuncia Elegibilidad Ampliada Para la Beca ECACE
Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) se complace en compartir que la Comisión de Asistencia Estudiantil de Illinois (ISAC) ha abierto su solicitud 2023-24 para la Beca ECACE, ahora… Read more
Illinois Teacher of the Year Briana Morales Takes the Field for Teacher Appreciation Night at Wrigley Field
Teacher Appreciation Night took place Wednesday, May 24, at Wrigley Field. As part of the pregame festivities Illinois Teacher of the Year Briana Morales threw out a ceremonial first pitch… Read more
Hernandez Champions Education, Fiscal Responsibility in Spring Legislative Session
Building on years of historic fiscal progress, state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, helped pass Illinois’ fifth balanced budget, making critical investments in education, health care, and other essential services…. Read more
Deadline Approaching for ComEd EV Rally
With the end of the school year in sight, ComEd is excited for the return of the ComEd EV Rally, its signature summer program to support more women in science, technology,… Read more
Bloomberg Philanthropies Recognizes the University of Chicago as Leader in College Access, Success for Lower-Income Students
Bloomberg Philanthropies recognized the University of Chicago as an American Talent Initiative (ATI) High-Flier, a group of 28 high-graduation-rate institutions that are national leaders in college access and success for… Read more
La Maestra del Año de Illinois, Briana Morales, Toma la Palabra la Noche de Agradecimiento a los Maestros en Wrigley Field
La Noche de Agradecimiento a los Maestros tuvo lugar el miércoles, 24 de mayo en el Wrigley Field. Como parte de las festividades antes del juego, Briana Morales, Maestra del… Read more