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Senator Fine Leads Effort to Protect Student Loan Cosigners
Cosigners to private student loans may find themselves in a difficult financial position if they are unaware the student they signed for is behind on his or her payments. These… Read more
Villanueva Advances Legislation that Supports Students Seeking Need-Based Education Financial Assistance
State Senator Celina Villanueva advanced legislation that prevents students from changing their legal guardianship in an effort to qualify for need-based financial aid for college. “When it comes to furthering… Read more
Chicago State University Faculty and Staff Union Files Intent to Strike Notice
The Chicago State University chapter of the University Professionals of Illinois (CSU UPI, IFT Local 4100) officially filed their intent to strike notice with the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board… Read more
La Senadora Fine Lidera Esfuerzo para Proteger a los Cosignatarios de Préstamos Estudiantiles
Los cosignatarios de préstamos estudiantiles privados pueden encontrarse en una situación financiera difícil si no saben que el estudiante por el que firmaron está atrasado en sus pagos. Estos cosignatarios… Read more
El Sindicato de la Facultad y el Personal de la Universidad Estatal de Chicago Presentan Aviso de Intención de Huelga
Chicago State University capítulo de la Universidad de Profesionales de Illinois (CSU UPI, IFT Local 4100) presentó oficialmente su intención de aviso de huelga con Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board… Read more
Open Books Launches Pay What You Want Bookstore in Community Museum
Open Books’ initiative, North Lawndale Reads, has partnered with the Lawndale Pop-Up Spot, a community museum in a shipping container, to turn the museum into a pay what you want… Read more
Chicago Educators, Community Members Push the Board of Education to Make Major Investments in Green School Infrastructure
On Wednesday, CPS educators, environmental justice advocates, students, and the community held a press conference urging CPS to keep its promise and ensure that all the city public schools are… Read more
Chicago Park District Launches “Your Perfect Summer Job” Recruitment Campaign
The Chicago Park District is spotlighting summer employment opportunities as part of a new marketing campaign featuring the Lifeguard, Recreation Leader and Junior Laborer job openings available for qualified candidates,… Read more
‘Open Books’ Lanza Librería ‘Paga lo que Quieras’ en Museo Comunitario
La iniciativa North Lawndale Reads de Open Books se asoció con Lawndale Pop-Up Spot, un museo comunitario en un contenedor de envío, para convertir el museo en una librería ‘paga… Read more
Educadores de Chicago y Miembros de la Comunidad Presionan a la Junta de Educación para que Haga una Gran Inversión en Infraestructura Escolar Ecológica
El miércoles, educadores de CPS, simpatizantes de justicia ambiental, estudiantes y la comunidad, sostuvieron una conferencia de prensa exhortando a CPS que cumpla su promesa y garantice que todas las… Read more