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NLEI Construct Infrastructure Academy
The National Latino Education Institute welcomes anyone interested in their Construct Infrastructure Academy, an 11-week program where participants develop skills for entry-level jobs in construction. Participants receive training in CDL… Read more
Anonymous Donor Fills “Forever Closet” with Home, School Supplies at Ward STEM School
An anonymous donor has spearheaded an effort to provide students at Laura Ward STEM School, 646 N. Lawndale Ave., with necessary home and school supplies through a new “Forever Closet”… Read more
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Visits with Chicago Teens in After School Matters
After School Matters®, Chicago’s largest and a leading national provider of after-school and summer programs, welcomed U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy to its Gately Park programming facility on Chicago’s… Read more
Academia de Infraestructura de Construcción NLEI
El Instituto Nacional de Educación Latina da la bienvenida a toda persona interesada en su Academia de Infraestructura de Construcción, programa de 11 semanas donde los participantes desarrollan destrezas para… Read more
Donante Anónimo Llena “Forever Closet” con Utiles Escolares y para el Hogar en Ward STEM School
Un donante anónimo encabezó un esfuerzo para dar a los estudiantes de la Escuela Laura Ward STEM, 646 N. Lawndale Ave., los útiles escolares y para el hogar necesarios, a… Read more
El Cirujano General de E.U. Vivek Murthy se Reúne con los Adolescentes de Chicago en After School Matters
After School Matters®, el mayor proveedor y nacionalmente líder de programas de verano y para después de la escuela, dio la bienvenida al Cirujano General de E.U. Vivek H. Murthy… Read more
Triton College’s Adult Education Program Now Hiring ESL Instructors
Triton College’s Adult Education Program is currently hiring English as a Second Language (ESL) adjunct instructors. The Adult Education Department is hoping to recruit individuals passionate about teaching and helping… Read more
CCC, IHCC Collaborate to Offer the First Latino Entrepreneurship Course
Harold Washington College (HWC) and the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) unveiled a new Latino Entrepreneurship course class that helps small businesses scale and strengthen their business models. The… Read more
Midwestern University Partnership Provides Aurora University Students Path to Advanced Healthcare Degrees
In a broad collaboration, Aurora University and Midwestern University have partnered to provide AU students a path to an advanced degree for any of Midwestern’s 11 healthcare professional programs in… Read more
El Programa de Educación de Adultos del Triton College Está Contratando Instructores ESL
El Programa de Educación de Adultos del Triton College está actualmente contratando instructores adjuntos para Inglés Como Segundo Idioma (ESL). El Departamento de Educación de Adultos espera reclutar personas apasionadas… Read more