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Triton College Organizations Requesting Items for the Homeless
Triton College organizations SURGE, TRIUMPH and TRIO are requesting the following items to make Blessing Bags for homeless individuals from now-Nov. 16. The items will be collected Monday-Thursday, from 9… Read more
Miami Mayor Honors Latino Art Beat President and Competition Winners
Chicago based Latino Art Beat founded in 1998, offers its nationwide art and film competition to high school juniors and seniors. The general competition theme is “What Hispanic Heritage &… Read more
ComEd Unveils First-of-Its-Kind Education Community Center in Chicago
On Wednesday, November 9, ComEd opened the doors to a 10,000 square-foot energy education community center, the Powering Lives Community Center, in Avondale. The new state-of-the-art facility, located at 3420… Read more
El Alcalde de Miami Honra al Presidente de Latino Art Beat y a los Ganadores de la Competencia
Latino Art Beat, con base en Chicago, fundado en 1998, ofrece su competencia de cine y arte a nivel nacional a estudiantes del tercer y cuarto año de secundaria. El… Read more
ComEd Presenta el Primer Centro Comunitario Educativo de su Clase en Chicago
El miércoles, 9 de noviembre, ComEd abrió las puertas a un centro comunitario de educación de energía, de 10,000 pies cuadrados, el Powering Lives Community Center en Avondale. La nueva… Read more
Valparaiso University Guarantees Admission, Tuition and Fees, to select Ivy Tech Scholars in Northwest Indiana
Valparaiso University President José D. Padilla, J.D. recently announced that a select group of Ivy Tech Community College scholars who graduate with an associate’s degree from the Ivy Tech campuses… Read more
Triton College Hosting Veterans Forum
Triton College will be hosting a forum to recognize and honor veterans on Thursday, Nov. 10, in the B Building (Room B-204/210), from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Triton College is inviting… Read more
Rep. Hernandez Promotes Student Debt Forgiveness Programs
State Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, is encouraging those with student loan debt to apply for the one-time federal student loan debt relief program and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness… Read more
NIU College of Education, City Colleges of Chicago Pave 2+2 Paths in Kinesiology, Sport Management
City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) students now have a seamless “2+2” transfer pathway to bachelor’s degrees in Kinesiology and Sport Management from the Northern Illinois University College of Education. Thanks… Read more
La Universidad de Valparaíso Garantiza la Admisión, la Matrícula y las Tarifas, a Selectos Becarios de Ivy Tech del Noroeste de Indiana
El Presidente de Valparaiso University, José D. Padilla, J.D. anunció recientemente que un grupo selecto de becarios de Ivy Tech Community College que se gradúan con un diploma asociado de… Read more