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New Report: Smarter Land Use Planning is Urgently Needed to Safeguard Farmland
Smart growth and investment in Midwest downtowns and main streets must occur now to secure the land that grows our food, according to American Farmland Trust’s new report Farms Under… Read more
Sones de México Ensemble Hosts Three Guitar Workshops
Sones de México Ensemble co-founder Juan Díes leads workshops for students of our Mexican Music School and others seeking to improve their skills as guitarists and increase their knowledge of… Read more
Four 16th District Public Schools Receive Renewable Energy Education Initiative Funding
Under Cook County’s Solar Schools Grant program, the Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability awarded grant funding to 24 public schools, four within the 16th District, to support the… Read more
Villa to host Youth College and Career Fair
State Senator Karina Villa is hosting a Youth College and Career Fair for local students making plans for after high school graduation. “Deciding what’s next after high school can be… Read more
Nuevo Informe: Se Necesita Urgentemente una Planificación más Inteligente del Uso de la Tierra para Salvar las Tierras Agrícolas
El crecimiento inteligente y la inversión en los centros urbanos y las calles principales del Medio Oeste debe hacerse ahora para salvar la tierra que cultiva nuestros alimentos, según el… Read more
Sones de México Ensemble Presenta Tres Talleres de Guitarra
El Co-fundador de Sones de México Ensemble, Juan Díes presenta talleres para estudiantes de nuestra Escuela de Música Mexicana y otros que buscan mejorar sus destrezas como guitarristas y aumentar… Read more
Cuatro Escuelas Públicas del Distrito 16 Reciben Fondos para Iniciativas de Educación Sobre Energías Renovable
Bajo el Programa de Subsidios a Escuelas Solares del Condado de Cook, el Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad otorgó un subsidio a 24 escuelas públicas, cuatro dentro del Distrito… Read more
La Senadora Villa Ofrecerá una Feria Universitaria y Profesional para Jóvenes
La Senadora Estatal Karina Villa está ofreciendo una Feria Universitaria y Profesional para Jóvenes que hacen planes para después de su graduación de secundaria. “Decidir que sigue después de la… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation to Expand Access to Higher Education
Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation designed to increase access to Illinois’ higher education system, close equity gaps, and improve student protections and operational effectiveness. The bills expand resources available to… Read more
Mayor Lightfoot, CTA and CPS Announce ‘CTA Elevating Futures Scholarship Fund’ Student Winners for 2022-2023
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr., CPS CEO Pedro Martinez and Walsh-Fluor Design-Build Team announced that two Chicago Public School seniors have been awarded scholarships from… Read more