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Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago Extienden la Fecha Límite de Solicitud de GoCPS Para el Año Escolar 2025-26
Las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) han extendido la solicitud de GoCPS hasta las 5 p.m. del 22 de noviembre. Esta extensión da a los estudiantes y sus familias tiempo… Read more
Triton College Helps High School Students Accelerate Pathways to Higher Education and Careers
Triton College is a leading provider of dual credit for high school students across 25 school districts in the Chicago area. Through its Early College Program, Triton offers high school… Read more
Immigrants Under Trump
By: Ashmar Mandou With less than two months away from inauguration, President-elect Donald Trump has promised voters mass deportations, leaving the vulnerable immigrant communities with a range of questions, such… Read more
CPS School Celebrates New Name: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary School
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary School, previously known as Columbus Elementary School, celebrated its new name Friday morning with a banner unveiling that displays the school’s new identity. Chicago Public Schools… Read more
City Colleges of Chicago Holds Ground-Breaking Ceremony Celebrating the Expansion of Malcolm X College West Campus
City Colleges of Chicago and the Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) officially broke ground and celebrated the expansion of Malcolm X College West campus (formerly known as the West… Read more
Los Inmigrantes Bajo Trump
Por: Ashmar Mandou Con menos de dos meses para la inauguración, el Presidente electo Donald Trump ha prometido a los votants deportaciones en masa, dejando a las vulnerables comuniddes inmigrantes… Read more
City Colleges of Chicago Celebra la Inauguración de la Ampliación del Campus Oeste de Malcolm X College
City Colleges of Chicago y la Comisión de Edificios Públicos de Chicago (PBC) tuvieron la ceremonia de la primera piedra para celebrar la ampliación del Campus Oeste de Malcolm X… Read more
Illinois’ Public Universities Collectively Achieve Highest Enrollment in Eight Years
The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) released its fall enrollment report for the state’s public universities for the fall semester of the 2024-25 academic year. Illinois public universities also… Read more
Illinois Student Assistance Commission Launches 2024-25 College
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) teams up with schools and community-based organizations to kick off its 9th annual College Changes Everything® (CCE) Campaign this fall. ISAC and school and… Read more
Chicago Votes in First School Board Elections
Caption by Ashmar Mandou Chicago voters made their voices heard in the city’s historic first school board elections Tuesday night, backing candidates with opposing views. Ten seats representing 10 districts… Read more