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Febrero es el Mes de Concientización Sobre la Violencia en el Noviazgo Entre Adolescentes

Febrero es el Mes de Concientización Sobre la Violencia en el Noviazgo Entre Adolescentes

Durante el mes de febrero, el Equipo de Prevención y el Comité Juvenil de Sarah’s Inn trabajan para concientizar sobre la realidad de la violencia del noviazgo entre adolescentes y… Read more »

Consejos para la salud del corazón

Consejos para la salud del corazón

Céntrese en su Abdómen Esto es, enfóquese en su abdómen. Investigue en el Diario de Cardiología del Diario del Colegio Americano como ha vinculado el exceso de grasa en el… Read more »

Chicago Toma las Ultimas Medidas Contra la Industria de los Cigarrillos Electrónicos

Chicago Toma las Ultimas Medidas Contra la Industria de los Cigarrillos Electrónicos

La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y el Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección al Consumidor (BACP), y el Departamento Legal registró una demanda contra Equte, LLC and Vapes, por mercadear… Read more »

City Announces New Equity Plan in Vaccine Distribution

City Announces New Equity Plan in Vaccine Distribution

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), alongside elected officials and community partners, announced new initiatives to address racial equity in the COVID-19 response and vaccine distribution, with early data… Read more »

Cook County to Open First of Several Large Vaccination Sites

Cook County to Open First of Several Large Vaccination Sites

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Cook County Health CEO Israel Rocha were joined by Governor J.B. Prtizker to announce that the Tinley Park Convention Center will serve as… Read more »

Loretto Hospital Begins Administering COVID-19 Vaccines

Loretto Hospital Begins Administering COVID-19 Vaccines

The Loretto Hospital in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood began administering Phase 1B COVID-19 vaccines to eligible community members. This includes individuals age 65 and older, and frontline essential workers, such as… Read more »

El Condado de Cook Abre el Primero de Varios Sitios de Vacunación

El Condado de Cook Abre el Primero de Varios Sitios de Vacunación

La Presidenta de la Junta del Condado de Cook, Toni Preckwinkle y el CEO de Salud del Condado de Cook, Israel Rocha, a quienes se unió el Gobernador J.B. Pritzker… Read more »

Pritzker, Preckwinkle Announce State-Run Vaccination Sites Across Cook County

Pritzker, Preckwinkle Announce State-Run Vaccination Sites Across Cook County

The City announced the locations of four state-support vaccination sites across Cook County that will begin vaccinating Illinois residents beginning this week. The sites are being stood up through support… Read more »

Nutrition Tips for Healthy Living in 2021

Nutrition Tips for Healthy Living in 2021

The start of a new year is often coupled with self-reflection and the desire to adopt healthy lifestyle choices, but this year prioritizing health takes on greater meaning as people look to boost their immune system and prevent illnesses. Holistic health and… Read more »

Medical Corner: COVID-19 Vaccination

Medical Corner: COVID-19 Vaccination

By: Ashmar Mandou There is an abundant amount of information shrouding the COVID-19 vaccination, causing a bit of confusion within the Latino community. As we reintroduce our Medical Corner segment,… Read more »