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Hospitals Oppose New Nurse Staffing Mandates Proposal

Hospitals Oppose New Nurse Staffing Mandates Proposal

By: Illinois Health and Hospital Association Edited by Lawndale Bilingual Newspaper A proposal in Springfield to impose mandated nurse staffing ratios at Illinois hospitals is raising concerns among healthcare professionals… Read more »

Fit Summer: Key Tips to Get the Ideal Summer Body

Fit Summer: Key Tips to Get the Ideal Summer Body

By: Laura Posada, professional coach, life coach and spokesperson for Wonderful Pistachios Edited by Lawndale Bilingual Newspaper Spring is here! Now is the time to prepare for one of our… Read more »

Starting Your Child’s Day the Healthy Way

Starting Your Child’s Day the Healthy Way

By: Ashmar Mandou As the old adage goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a power breakfast headed to Laurel Hill Elementary in the Hanover Park… Read more »

Cook County Health Cuts Ribbon on Outpatient Center in Arlington Heights

Cook County Health Cuts Ribbon on Outpatient Center in Arlington Heights

On Friday, April 12, Cook County Health held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and public open house at its new Arlington Heights Health Center as part of its ongoing plans to expand… Read more »

IDPH Actúa para Incrementar el Indice de Vacunación en Illinois

IDPH Actúa para Incrementar el Indice de Vacunación en Illinois

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois (IDPH) está dando los pasos necesarios para aumentar el índice de vacunación en el estado, en respuesta a los siete casos de sarampión… Read more »

El Hospital Mount Sinai Abre Nueva Unidad Híbrida para Adultos/Pediátrica

El Hospital Mount Sinai Abre Nueva Unidad Híbrida para Adultos/Pediátrica

El 22 de abril, Sinai Health System abrió una nueva unidad de observación híbrida de corta estancia en el Hospital Mount Sinai, para atender pacientes adultos y pediátricos, como la… Read more »

Fit Summer: Consejos Clave para Conseguir el Cuerpo Ideal para el Verano

Fit Summer: Consejos Clave para Conseguir el Cuerpo Ideal para el Verano

Por: Laura Posada, entrenadora profesional, entrenadora de vida y vocera de Wonderful Pistachios Editado por Lawndale Bilingual Newspaper ¡Llegó la Primavera! Ahora es el momento de prepararse para una de… Read more »

Cook County Health Corta la Cinta de Inauguración del Centro de Pacientes Externos en Arlington Heights

Cook County Health Corta la Cinta de Inauguración del Centro de Pacientes Externos en Arlington Heights

El viernes, 12 de abril, Cook County Health tuvo la ceremonia del corte de cinta y casa abierta de su nuevo Centro de Salud de Arlington Heights, como parte de… Read more »

Healthy Hearts Need Two Proteins Working Together

Healthy Hearts Need Two Proteins Working Together

Two proteins that bind to stress hormones work together to maintain a healthy heart in mice, according to scientists at the National Institutes of Health and their collaborators. These proteins,… Read more »

Make a Difference

Make a Difference

Use Reusable Bags Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them… Read more »